16 February 2010

corner view "wisdom from an elder"

Jorge´s grandmother, Amachi, lived to be 104 years old. When she hit 100 I asked her what was the secret to a long life. She told me that there were two things.

1. Don´t be lazy when it comes to eating. Even if you are only cooking for one, make sure you prepare yourself a proper meal, sit at the table, and don´t forget the wine... (So ... um ... no eating canned soup... straight out of the pot... standing over the sink...not that I do that...)

2. Go for a walk. Amachi and her sister would take long walks together every day of the year... Her sister lived to be 98...

Thanks Theresa for this week´s theme. Next week´s is "street photography".

Happy Corner View!


Unknown said...

Beautiful stories...and I like a lot the detail of the wine.
Will take it into account!

Lollipop said...

oh sister ;-)
this is a theme in the theme?
hard one for me.
I love Amatxi's rules.
beautiful pic.
3 besos

Cobalt Violet said...

Yes, beautiful photo!

O.K. so I guess taking my ready made lentils out of the box tonight, ripping open the aluminum Buck Rodgers bag and throwing them in the microwave was probably not what she had in mind. Hmm.

But if I add the wine ...

Isabelle said...

simple and magic recipe ...

Daan said...

Wow 104 (and 98) that is old and wise!


shayndel said...

Beautiful photo and I agree on the advice! The two wisdoms I just posted from East and West are combined in the philosophy(wisdom) you shared from Jorge's mom! :)

;) said...

Lessons of life, real and beautiful life ! Thanks Jane... I'm going for a walk now ;)

Ritva said...

hurray to grandmothers!
hugs, dear jane!

Anonymous said...

beautiful post!

and very sage advice.

Theresa said...

I just got that same advice from the woman my daughter posted about via a dream my husband had. Not sure if that is confusing??!!

Beautiful story. Beautiful image of the flowers.

Kaylovesvintage said...

nice one

Kenza said...

lovely! yes, doing the simple things well. thank you!

Memories Of Mine said...

I'm bad for eating over the sink. I think I need to change my way :)

104 is a great innings.

isabelle said...

So sweet!
I have always done both:)
Eating is such an important moment for me: I'd rather not eat then eat something bad and quickly.
And I have so much pleasure walking in Paris. I choose a longer way to work to walk at least 30 minutes every day.

Victoria | Hibiscus Bloem said...

Great advice from two wise ladies. We do pretty well with the eating side of things, but actually find ourselves hardly touching wine these days - but now I actually really fancy a glass of red (at 12 noon ?).

anna said...

Yes! I'm gonna be old! I follow both rules :)

Francesca said...

I saw a coffee table book once at friends (don't remember the title), it had portraits of very elderly people and in one sentence their secret to longevity. Most of the (contradictory) replies had to do with food: no chocolate, yes to chocolate, no wine, yes to wine etc

la ninja said...

eat a good meal at the table and go for a walk. we can do that, right? yes, we can. we totally can, that and a glass of home-made lemonade (if you know what I mean.)

Bichos da Matos said...

Eat well and walk a lot...I do both, I hope to live like Amatxi;)

Anonymous said...

Cooool name: Amachi!! Even cooler she lived to be 104. Such great stories and life lesson she must have shared with you all. So...I better follow her advise ;-)

Cherry B said...

Hahahaha-- so my easymac wouldn't count, either? I love that she includes wine :) I walk my dog every morning... that must count for adding years to my life. Yeah! Thanks for the scoop :)

Evas House said...

Clever woman!! And a perfect photo!

Deniz said...

wonderful advise!

Crescent Moon said...

That is good advise!
Those look like the flowers that all of the Olympic metalists have been given, as they are standing on the podium.

Cindy said...

it seems like the advice is all about nurturing yourself, which is possible if we take the time.

Juana said...

Great story, Jane! My greatgrandma, was "vasca" too, came to Argentina when she was a child, and lived 101 years. When somebody asked her about the secret of her longevity, she answered: "I don't know; but I use to have breakfast with a T bone steak and one glass of red wine!" Oh, those basque!!!

missvanham said...

Wauw Beautiful story

Sammi said...

o0o I'm about to post mine. I love that.

Emily said...

Why is eating well is so hard when it should be so easy? I do always remember the wine though, so maybe there's hope?

Lisa notes... said...

I'm only 47 and already have broken those rules every day. Uh-oh. Thanks for sharing, Jane. Lovely advice from someone who should know.

tikjewit said...

wow, what a story...and what an amount of steps Amachi must have walked...

Anonymous said...

walking and wine - my kinda girl!!!

Ma life à moi said...

Spanish grandmothers have a deeply understanding of how to live!

104 yo that's impressive!

And So I Whisper said...

beautiful. That what I tell my kids all the time.

nathalie et cetera said...

great theme, great wisdom. i guess i need to drink more wine.

Nicki said...

Oh wow! I Love this story!

Kasia said...

I do my daily walks with my baby but I keep eating in a rush... sandwich on the go etc...

Beautiful photo! Also: congratulations on your Etsy shop :)


ps I miss CV and I will be back soon, it's just been so busy here recently...

Joyce said...

Amachi sounded like a wonderful woman with a lifetime of wisdom. I bet you have some beautiful photos of her. I like taking photos of the elderly. xo

Bree said...

wauw.. to live that long.
it almost scares me...

Juana said...

Cuando quieras, chica! (whenever you wish, girl!)
I'll pubblish my CV before Wenesday finish! I wish to take a pic for the post, but left my camera at the shop!
I've been thinking, though, to write about myself, since I am almost sure I am the eldest of all the blog list, (but I am not sure about my wisdom!!)lol

Kari said...

Well they lived to 104 and 89 years so I'm to their advise!
Thanks for sharing and great photo.

Ian said...

104! Impressive. She new a thing or two.

Juniper said...

Very cool photos and I like her advice!! Oh to have my sisters close enough to take daily walks with!

Janis said...

Yes, yes, and more yes! Do I do those things? ...eek, Not very well, I need to take note :^)

Unknown said...

wonderful advice! I think I can do that! I had one friend of the family in his 90's say that his secret was bacon and eggs every morning! go figure!

ticklishfromadistance said...

Beautiful. Hope to start back up with CV as my camera is fixed! Yay! Have missed it. Great theme.

Maia said...

I love it! My mother's French family are long-lived, and many of the woman saw the other side of 100. My grandmother was one of 4 sisters, and the one still surviving is the one who was devoted to walking and hiking. An anthropologist in her youth, she hiked in Chile and Peru, and even now (at an impossible age that I have lost track of) she takes her daily walks in the garrigue behind her house in southern France.

Tiphaine said...

I love Jorge's grand-mother's name !!!! Does it have a meaning ? I would be curious to live that long but I guess at some point, you just wish to go....That must be something to meet a lady like her.

Anonymous said...

Goodness, I keep meaning to join this challenge. I love the idea and the simplicity of it. I plan to write down "street" and join next week.

Annabel said...

Sounds like she was a good cook!

Anonymous said...


Tiphaine said...

my corner is posted... thank you for that Jane. It has been a day of memories. Thak you.


Jennifer said...

Great advice!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Wise words indeed.

Nice photos too.

God bless.

Mlle Paradis said...

I missed the corner view this week - oops! I will retitle my Malibu post: "You Can Get Used to Anything" (Yes even the Beach in Feb.!) after my 93yr old aunt's words of wisdom.

I generally consider it a cautionary admonition, rather than a "just settle for it already!" command.

I could have used Amatxi's advice when I was sitting in bed at 11 pm last night with a big bowl of shredded wheat in lieu of dinner! But I did have my walk today and it was great!

Christy said...

What great advice! I love the cooking one in particular. So I guess cereal straight out of the box is a no-no for dinner when I'm by myself?!

Angie Muresan said...

Oh yes! I want to live to be 100 too. But only if I'm independent and sassy to the very end.
Here via Francesca's site.

Conny said...

I'm glad you asked her advice at 100 - and I'm glad of her answers too. Thanks so much for sharing Amachi's wisdom with us.

I'm late on mine (CV) today, but finally got it together.

Cheers ~

Jenny said...

Beautiful post...wise advice.

Nicola said...

beautiful story. sounds so very much like my grandma!

Sunmallia said...

A smart woman indeed

Andrea said...

Wonderful Advice.
It seems most centenarians say similar things.
I love these corner views. Is it too late "join" you all?

Valerie said...

good advice comes from experience...

how can i be added to the corner view list to participate next week ? please...

alexandria said...

That is some of the best advice and is something I've been concentrating on more lately. Thanks for posting this!

Susie Lubell said...

words to live by!

Joanna Jenkins said...

God bless her, that's great advice.

Love the photo too!


Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

I got #2 down. Just need to work on #1 ;-)

soisses-dasleben said...

what a lovely post! great story!!!

i also love the flowers...

this week i have no time for the corner view - next time again ;-)

spudballoo said...

Fantastic advice....love the wine part. I thnk I can manage that..

Karin said...

Hi Jane,

I just love your cornerview concept and would love to join. So how does that work? I 'd love to hear from you!

Anne Marie said...

I love this story. And I agree so much with her a good meal is important.

I also love this weeks corner view topic. I wrote a post (an old lady's wisdom)that fits right in last week. I hope it can count as my contribution to this weeks corner

RosaMaría said...

beautiful and lovely photo! i missed my corner view post... to busy at job...
have a nice day!

sunnymama said...

Lol at "don't foget the wine"! Sorry to have missed Corner View again this week as we have been so busy but I will be back next week with some street photography. :)

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

I love this. Such wisdom.

kristina - no penny for them said...

great advice!

and i love your picture...

KathyA said...

What wonderful advice! My grandmother lived to 94 -- she walked 5 miles a day!

Deborah Ann said...

Oh, what a beautiful blog you have! I loved your advice for cooking and eating, I am wholeheartedly complying! Heheh...

massi said...

so nice...
both are so good advices I MUST follow.

Emma said...

wise and lucky grand ma...108, 98...I will think of this wisdom tomorrow, blowing my new canddle...
Emma from San Francisco

Traveling Mama said...

Wonderful words for sure! Sorry I missed participating in this week's theme. We've been enjoying Mickey this week but I hope to jump back in next week! Hugs!

Anonymous said...


Don said...

Makes sense to me- diet and exercise and wine- and don't forget the love.

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

Love this! 100 years. Wow. Such an accumulation of wisdom. I'm certainly taking this advice to heart.

aimee said...

this is one of my favorite topics yet, even though i didn't officially participate. and GUESS WHAT showed up on my doorstep yesterday? chupa chups and pissing boys! you are a gem, a dear, a SWEET! :)

RNSANE said...

Well, I eat on the run so often - or at the computer, but I rarely leave out the wine! I love it - not the sweet stuff, though, unless it's with dessert, then I may sip a riesling or a muscat or a nice port!

Christine Clemmensen said...

Very very inspirational1

A Cuban In London said...

Oh, yes, that first piece of advice, follow it to the letter. I guess you learn that with experience. :-)

Greetings from London.

elianne said...

wisdom it is

Lynn said...

Love the advice about cooking real meals, even if it's just for yourself. It's even better if you light a candle and dress up!

I'm posted. Late. I'm losing my mind, and completely forgot it was CV day on Wednesday, so posted yesterday instead.

soisses-dasleben said...

thank you for the crossed fingers ;-) it`s done and i am happy!!!

likeschocolate said...

WOW! Sweet advice. Did she mention eating chocolate everyday somewhere in there?

Unknown said...

great advice!

Sammi said...

What happened to Kiss & Tell Friday, did I miss something?!

Palmer and Co said...

Oh, this is wisdom indeed! Love this photo!

Happy Weekend!

Kirsten said...

Beautiful post Jane! Inspirational as always.....

Because you are so inspiring to me, have a wonderfully happy and creative blog, I am passing on the "Sunshine Blog Award" to you! I look forward to enjoying more of your beautiful posts and amazing creativity! And I’m encouraging my readers to follow your blog as well…….. Thanks for the inspiration!

Lisa said...

Wise advise and super nice picture. Thank you Jane.

Angel.Pearls said...

Thank you for that wisdom!..I'll rememer it!! Love//Eva

denise said...

ah, good wisdom.

i thought so long and hard on this CV. nuthin'.

et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

sounds like two basic, good advices: eat good (and enjoy it!) and move your popo :)

5orangepotatoes said...

Amazing 104! My great aunt just turned 100, I need to ask her this question. Can't predict what she will say, quite a stubborn woman. ;)



I knew a girl who was blue. So she painted her world pink. xoxo