For one of Daniel´s school assignments he had to count all the books in his home. I think he stopped when he got to around 1,200. (150 of those were just cookbooks.... Can someone please tell why, then, does it seem like I´m always cooking the same thing?... ) There are too many favorites, which I´m sure are your favorites too. So I thought I´d post about a lesser known book that is on my top 10. It´s called The Sensual Home by Ilse Crawford. Ilse Crawford was the editor of British Elle Decoration magazine for years when it was still worth the 7€ newsstand price ... (Now , not so much.) I could go on about her impeccable style and writing, but I think it´s just better to show you...

This will be the last CV until next year. The next few weeks are going to be a bit crazy around here. How about if we all meet back here on January 13th with the theme "holiday?" I can´t wait to read about what, how, and even when you celebrate. For example, in Spain, children don´t receive presents at Christmas... Now I´ve got Skylar´s attention... Oh the suspense!...
Happy CV!
¡Dos besos muy gordos!
Quite great book have your own library at home. Well I receive present the 25th...Olentzero.
It will be quite long since seing again. Hope you have a great time.
coffee table books, don't have too many of those and as for the rest... god knows where they are. in a box, or two, or three? ;P
yes, there's not only the celebration in january (the one I'm not giving away in the hopes of keeping skylar and everyone else interested); ibb has the olentzero and in catalonia, where I come from, we have the caga tió. but I'll save it all for next cv.
bon nadal, jane, have a good 'un, pet!
ha what a brave boy that he came so far with counting :), the family and friends that helped me moving to this house weren't to glad about my book collection either. Looks interesting, I will check it out!
I like this kind of book, on... the art of living ;) Have a nice and sweet Xmas time... See you next year on the corner !!!
love your pictures and your amount of books and that the cv takes a break! as we are moving that comes in handy.
have a nice happy crazy time holiday!
Count all the books at home? Should be hard...
I selected some christmas books ;-)
Wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!
dear jane,
first, merry xmas to you and your family!
books we love, that´s true...have to count mine ;)
see you soon!
ps. we got some snow :)!!!
This has been on my Amazon wish list for a while, and now I'm definitely going to get it!
I love it!! Beautifull....
I'm in too..Have a good day, Jane.
Books posted! It's very peaceful at your place:)
Have a great holiday, a great year and see you soon. In Spain the big day it's Dia de los Reyes, 6th january, isn't it? Beijinhos
this book looks great, I wish it was in my bookshelves ... Have great Xmas holiday and see you next year !!
Love it have a good weekend jane
Attractive note on the books which I like.
Access to the knowledge to read, in the knowledge to think, to the knowledge to understand the others, their cultures, their differences and the access also about the fantasy, about the love in novels, about the intrigue in the polars
You should never destroy a book, it's as if we lost his most human part)!!!
Christyn (with translator!)
Impressive book collection! Enjoy your holiday with family and friends -Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!
and I got that Ilse book, love her work
lovely photos! and thanks for your visit and kind words. have a lovely holiday! kenza.
Good CV !!! I wish all the best to finish this beautiful year !! Have great time Jane ! Bises
PS : I love cook book
Have a wonderful Holiday Jane! I can't wait to hear about celebrations around the world- most excellent! I'll check out that book- it sounds lovely
Counting more than a thousand books is a very impressive feat for a young boy. Most of the boys I work with wouldn't stay focused that long.
That decorating book looks like one of those books that you can look at over and over.
Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
hmmm, i wonder which christmas daniel and sara like best - spain's or ours???
merry, ho, ho
That's quite an amazing collection! I think my parents house would have as many. I think you need to sit down and look at the cookbooks - I am sure there are some amazing recipes!
Have a great Christmas!
150 cookbooks... yummy!
Beautiful pictures! Have a very merry Christmas and happy holidays!
That sounds like a marvelous book! I'll have to see if our library carries it.
Enjoy the rest of 2009 and see you back in 2010!
I finally got my post up, have been stupidly busy!!!
Love those pictures... serenity.
See you in Jan, have a lovely Christmas!!! Hugs. Ali
vw: slurt... that's what I'll be doing with the egg nog!!LOL
I wish you a wonderful Christmas and a brilliant start to the New Year!
JANE! what a great theme! i love books! and i love to see the books around the world, really having a wonderfull day with it!
:D [ you see the big smile on my face?? ]
thnxx again janey-girly!
hi little bookwurm! We love books, in each room you'll find books. I wish i had more time to actually read.
Have a great Holiday, and see you next year, o well, i'll visit your blog this last weeks of the year, so ...
A Big Thank You for all those beautiful CV's this year, I love the group of CVbloggers and the weekly trip around the world.
Dikke Zoen! Daan
What beautiful images!~ I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. And I'm intrigued to hear about why kids don't get Christmas presents! Happy New Year!
One of these days, I'll show the Odd Egg, I promise:)
What a terrific Corner View, Jane! And I hope you have a wonderful holiday...see you next year!
Mmmnn...Cookbooks and beautiful design. Sigh and drool.
I'm in and posted.
Merry Chrismtmas and a Happy New Year!
that is the kind of book that i would dip into again and again...
and yeah... i am with you on the cookbooks and making the same thing over and over again thing... why??
I tend to stick to the favorites, too. I try to do some change-ups, but we always come back to the stand-bys!
Merry Christmas!
Oh, how wonderful! I will have to check this one out right away! We are avid readers as well, though it seems every time we move our books are the first thing we give to friends and family. I would love to know what your favorite cookbook is from your collection! I have been trying to find a good Spanish one in English (though I could get by with one in Spanish as well.)
I have always believed that Spain would be close and the food would be enjoyed every so often. Now knowing we will be so far away I know I must learn how to make more!
could you imagine - counting all of those books! but what a great way to sharpen his literacy AND math skills at the same time!
i spent christmas in spain one year - i admired how it was centered around the celebration of the holiday and spending time with others instead of having the focus on gifts.
but new year's eve in the puerta del sol? oh my gaaaaaaaaaaaa... that cured me of public crowds forever. somehow i got out of there without being smashed to bits by those flying champagne bottles, and i even managed to get down those twelve grapes at the stroke of midnight.
Oh please don't say that! You're making us look as an anticonsumist society xD
I loved this corner view, especially because i love books and I love your blog, so that makes the perfect mixture.
It looks like cooking is your obsession, you always talk about it! Don't worry, I also love food the same way I love everything else.
Your children are so lucky to have that amount of books at home! I like to go to my parents' place of study and steal some books from them.
Big kisses
I've thought for a while that "books" would be a wonderful topic :)
This looks like a lovely book Jane ....
enjoy your holidays - see you next year ;)
Love the pictures with the text. :)
That's a lot of cookbooks!
I'm looking forward to lots more Corner Views in the new year!
Wow that is a lot of books.
Great photos and what great inspiration. I see your home corner view in there.
Thanks again for hosting Corner View. It really has been wonderful.
Now no Christmas presents for the kids in Spain - that's interesting.
Happy Holidays and have fun in Egypt.
What a book collection you have ... I guess you are not the type who move house often :-)
Have a nice Christmas ...
I am surrounded by books in this little office of mine, and it feels so cozy. So comforting to see all those stories waiting nearby...
Happy Holidays, and I will be so excited to rejoin Corner View in January!!
i was wondering about corner view for next week! i was thinking if there was one, that was the likely topic! lovely post, thank you for sharing.
happy holidays, jane!
Looks like a great book ! And wow ... 150 cookbooks !! That's my kind of home library ! Looking forward to the 13th ! I've missed posting Cv's these past few weeks ! Glad to be back 'on the wagon' so to speak !! Merry Christmas ! See you in the New Year !!
Do you read books only in English? How do you get your books, on line and shipped? Ciao, ciao, have a nice holiday!
What an interesting assignment... those books really do add up - I'm not surprised!
Happy week to you Jane - grande besos!
the book looks wonderful and i love the pages your chose to share. enjoy your holiday. dos besos. oh, i love when you say that and now i did, too ;)!
Happy Holidays. Enjoy!
Wow so many books and cookbooks!
I'm discovering Ilse Crawford / Sensual Home, love it! Great extracts! I still found Elle Deco UK better than the french edition!
I wish you a very happy Christmas, great holidays, and many recipes successes!!
You made me remember a Christmas I've spent in Spain many years ago... the weather was incredible!
I love cookbooks! You can never have enough...
Have a wonderful x mas in Spain, can't wait to read and see more about your traditions... Your blog is always a place to be happy and feel joy, I love that,
greetings from Canada
xxxx and best wishes to you and your family!!!!
ohhhhh I wanted to leave you a comment to tell you that in 2010 I will be on CV...
but My message of the day is rigth on your theme... So I guess I start in 2009!!
Books...especially Children Books...I can't count them anymore..there are a part of me, like a second me!!
no more room for ti and I still have 40 boxes in France waiting for me!!
Merry and Happy Xmas we come!
Emma from San Francisco
Emma from San Francisco
Nice books!! have a great christmas time!! I cook too the same things all the time!!
oh i would love to go through your books :), and i just came back from my holidays - visiting home :) :) hence i never managed to find time for blog land... well i guess i will post about it on the next cv ;)
:D :D
i love books and no matter how hard i try i never can restrain myself from buying more (oh well ok i dont try very hard )
i love your choice of books!
have lovely holidays- in case i dont "see" you till jan
MUST check out this book! Love the floors in that top shot.
p.s. Isn't Shel handsome! Is that odd for me to say...
here am i again and again i forgot cv. it would have been MY theme as we have so so so many books, a few thousand even if we gave away some full boxes before we moved to ireland 10 years ago. but it was very easy to fill and overfill our shelves again!
good idea to show holidays on 13th of january. i will probably be able to show a few very brave people who will join the traditional christmas swim on the 26th of december in the more than chilly atlantic! while the spectators in fat coats freeze they jump into the sea!!! happy holidays! eliane
nice...well hopefully next year i'll finally join and do this with all you lovely people, best of holidays ya!
Hi, posted Corner View for the first time, hope that went well. Fantastic choice for theme!
Thanks for all your cv meetings !
So happy to share with you and the other blogs.
Let's meet in january for CV holidays.
Have a merry xmas & a happy new year !
you have all these books? oh my!!
i hope you and your family have a great, beautiful and happy christmas and wish u all the best in 2010!!!
wow, what largesse in the book department, jane. i will check out your featured book, too. good tease there.
and CV holiday and holiday CV sounds just right. it took me an extra day and a half to get mine posted this week. i'm definitely in a mad rush.
Feliz Navidad!(love the book!)
Love that book!!!
I get it! see your corner view (and mine) on january 13th!! y en algunas partes de México los Reyes Magos son también los que traen los regalos!
Looks like a gorgeous and inspiring book...
Thank you for sharing the Joy of C.V. this year with all of us!!
A wonderful holiday season to you,
PS thank you for finding and visit to my paintings blog:)
love that quote about free time... feels like my brain is way too cluttered at the moment.
have a wonderful holiday season with your family and see you again in the new year! x
Have a wonderful holiday few weeks with your family. See you in 2010! I too am curious about Spain's celebrations. T
ps love how many books you have!!!!!!!
What a beautiful book. I love the typography!
See you in the new Year, Jane!! xoxo
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