with Francisco Marco....
Does it get any more Spanish than this? Now all I need to do is post my father-in-law´s paella recipe* and than I can call it a day;)
*Which will probably take a while... Jorge is doing the Montignac diet and we haven´t eaten rice in 8 months!.... or potatoes... or bread.... please invite me over and feed me....;)
Hope you are enjoying your weekend! The sun is out here! Coco is already working on her tan...
Awesome shots - he makes it look so easy... and it looks like you were either a) too close for comfort or b) way back in the stands with a telephoto lens!
beautiful photos!!!!!!
you are welcome home anytime ;)
ohw yeah! you ARE welcome! i make you bread and patatoes and everything you like! ;D
Hmmm, no bread or potatoes... that could really be a problem here in Germany.
Oh dear! Can you have pasta? I served some tonight with homemade red sauce. It is getting to be insanely good:
fresh tomatoes skin and all -- usually from the garden, basil, oregano, olive oil, salt, red pepper, onion, garlic, tomato paste, splash of olives and/or olive juice. This blended til smooth and creamy.
Please come. :)
The colors are beautiful!
You have my pity. That's a long time without starchy foods! I don't think I could do it.
Oh Jane...bull fighting just kills me! Tell me that they don't kill them anymore afterward.
brave, brave jane!
no rice even? goodness. i'm not sure that i could make it. no potatoes is easy enough. bread would be sad but doable. does the diet ever end?
Like Rie said, was thinking you were extremely close to this...but it made for amazing photos!!!
the colors are so gorgeous!!!
Next photo - coco in a patch of sun :^)
Come to my house, I will feed you!
Very spanish! with beautiful shots !
I like to prepare "pasta"... so, you're my guest !
How cool is that!?
Where was it? Some ganaderia? Will you be at Bilbao in May for the bullfight season start? Cause I will!
Good luck with the boring diet..
hahaha, feed me! You're welcome for crispy bread with good organic farm butter and oldoldold Dutch Cheese ...
Happy weekend, dearie!
oh I just love those photos !!!!
beautiful pics! beautiful colors! wow. what forebearance! eight months! i would've been complaining bitterly long ago. or sneaking out and cheating! spuds i (think i) could do without but not rice!
No cheese steaks, either??? You're welcome here anytime!!
The photos are marvelous!
WOW! Brilliant shots, Jane! Loving this set!! Very Spanish indeed!
fabulous shots! l so elegant so colourful and yes so spanish!
yeah, come around any time- just let me know what you want, potatoes rice bread pasta...
These photos look familiar. Like one of the very first posts I ever saw when I started coming here. It was captioned something along the lines of "don't bullfighters have nice...capes?" LOL And yes, they do, and I'll take a look at your shots of their capes any day! LOL This one also has beautiful hands. Just sayin'.
Gorgeous photos, and amazing opportunity to be in that situation!
No bread, no rice? Can you still drink coffee?!
Come over Jane! I cook pasta and risotto for lunch and supper (some italians use to have pasta leftovers for breakfast too!) As for the potatos... Noooo how could you've survived whitout tortilla de patatas and smashed potatoes flavoured with pepper and nutmeg?
And what I am doing here,up on a cloudy and cold roman Sunday at 8am, instead of being under a cozy quilt?
Well there is a multietnic lunch at my town's piazza, so I made "empanadas argentinas" and while they are on the oven, I am visiting some friends!
Oh, Jane, great photos! Last year I worked on a documentary about the corrida in Spain and Portugal and we had a sequence like that, you brought me back some memories, it's like a "déjà vu"!Although I'm not a fan, I can find some beauty in it...
And I'm with Janis, I want to see a tanned Coco! Moura is working on it as well;) Have a happy week!
Wow, that looks so initimidating. Great photos.
OMG you are a saint! Following along on that diet!
Those pictures are just gorgeous - thanks for sharing!
tres hemingway :) come on over and i'll make you rice AND potatoes and quinoa and pasta and all other grains!...and then we'll go shoot some fun photos!
i can feed you with great mexican food!! great shoots!!!
I told you Jane, You are welcome at my table... in brussels ;-)
oh really? why?
I was (ever so slightly) hung-over today and now I understand why I needed all those carbs. it was mine and your whole household share I was having :P
you are a storyteller with your camera... just genius!
mmmmmmmmm. he looks nice.
bullfighting - I've never seen it done before except with Bugs Bunny. It looks so artistic - balletic.
uh, my apologies for all the drool.let me just mop that up...
Ok, what about some "patatas bravas" and "bocata" en el 7?
Say me a day and an hour and i will invite you to...
Call me and I will save you!
heeeeeeeeey my dad and I have been doing Montignac for such a long time... but he can't stand having no paella on sundays (he cooks the best one I've ever tasted, I swear).
I like your photos about capeas, the colours are so beautiful and so are the pictures, of course, how couldn't them?
big besos
How can you live in Spain and not eat all of those things? Maaaaan!
Tiger is always sunbathing now the sun has come out.
Oh I am trying to do a diet as close to the Montignac method, but it is oh so hard to skip the bread, since sandwhiches are such a practical lunch food.
By the way: Look forward to see pictures of your knitted scarf, you will show us won't you? ;-)
you're welcome to come and have a proper italian heavy based gluten diet!
Seriously? No rice, potatoes or bread in 8 months? Come on over, girl. I'll feed ya!
Love the colorful photos!
Hummmm...the paella recipe sounds great!!! Love paella!
Great pics.
You are so funny ... I am going to Italy soon and I know I will not be able to stay away from the white flour. I plan to spend the whole two and a half weeks in a carbohydrate coma.
Come to Rome we'll share some bread! .
Great pics ... the color is fabulous, especially that pink!
No doubt! You totally captured Spain! Amazing colors!
you lucky lady- sun and a diet!
i think it´s better if i come to your place ?!
fantastic shots!
you have so much willpower. I'm sensitive to gluten, and it is torture .
and I'd love a paella recipe . and no doubt it's accompanying fabulous photo
great shots Jane... and the Montigac diet will help him lose wait, I hope you can eat rice and pasta, take care!!!
I hope you're not wasting away to nothing! Amazing photos. Now, really! How did you get those shots?
8 months without bread, rice or potatoes!!! You're my new hero!!
Love the photography. You're invited to dinner at our house any time. Hop on a plane and come see us!
Yes we need your paella recipe. I have a large grievance with restaurants that put paella on their menu and serve you up risotto!!!
Yes true... it appears some chefs don't know the difference and because the put seafood in it think they can pass it off as paella.
I need to find a good Spanish restaurant here.
amazing photos!!! you rarely get to see things like that... thanks for sharing!
thanks for that glimpse into the world of bullfighting! I find it fascinating and the pics are great. And the paella recipe? I think you should storm his house and confiscate it, so we can all enjoy! and yes, you're welcome to come eat at our house!
Oh! for a moment I thought it may be Jorge, your famous bull-fighting husband! Lovely pictures, are you "taurina"?
oh...and hopefully not ouch...;))
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