On Sunday Jorge and I were on our way to France. But by the time we got to San Sebastian it was pouring down rain. So we called some friends who live there and met them for an impromptu lunch at an Andalucía restaurant (ie. lots of fried food). After, we headed to a local bar for coffee and gin and tonics... The usual progression when out with friends. That´s where these were taken. Supposedly, this is the "in" bar where all the surfers hang out, according to my "in" friend... who doesn´t surf.... or read blogs... ;)
Next week´s theme is "bliss."
Happy Corner View!
P.S. My visits have been very sporadic lately. I´ve been working on some projects, and will probably be all over the place for a while. Thanks for bearing with me.
¡Dos besos muy gordos!
My hubby and I spent 6 months in San Sebastian in the early 1990's. I love, love, loved it!
Great photos...I wish to sitting there too! :)
Hope your projects go well...
mmm, sounds and looks great!
Such a wonderful life you lead!
Good luck with all your projects Jane. Like these pics. and really like that tattoo. San Sebastian is on my list of places to visit - it was the first overseas holiday my parents went to together.
coffee and g&t with friends sound perfect! the photos are great, they make me feel that rejoining the corner view club should be one of the projects I want to rejoin as I get back to regular blogging
thank you for your comment and birthday wishes!
Polly xx
hey hey wonderful pics Jane, projects ha ha tell us more!!!
Lovely images, as always. Particularly the half pint in the background...I'll take three please.
I'm impressed Jane: you've got your cv post up already! I think I should hang out at surfers' bars more:)!
Good luck with all your projects!
love your view from where you sitting.
you gave me a fright! suddenly thought is it wednesday already? glad i got another day to post the corner view :)
hope your projects go well
Jane, these are some of your best ever photos. You have hit your spot.
Wow I love these. I love the mood. Thanks, Jane!
As always, Jane, your pics are lovely and as well as insightful. I loved the theme this week. It really made me think...
oh wow, you are living the traveling life and so are we thanks to your fantastic photos!
I love your photos!
Lovely..just hanging with friends! Do you have a better idea?
you have a knack all your own when it comes to these kind of pics.... you're so unique.... love it!!! besos..muawwhh
Enjoy your visit in France! Sometimes the detours in life like a rain storm bring about good things.
A perfect sunday : friends, good food, drinks ...
Best of luck on your projects! You're sitting in a great location, by the way.
Lovely shots! You guys are so hip ;)
Lovely tattoo in the last one.
Love Donosti even when it is light rainig.
looks like a wonderful place, sounds like a wonderful day. lucky you. and what is all this traveling about? of course you don't have time to blog. looking forward to see and hear more about your projects :)
i havent made it to corner view for a long while. but i made it this week :) love that last photo, and a great theme for next week too.
lovely trip!
Hey Jane nice to see your Corner View today... Hope your projects are going well love Sammi x
wauw great photos happy day jane xx
Oh! lovely photos as usual. You have such a good eye and your photo transmit a reality that is exquisite. Thank you!
Have a nice trip Jane! Bring us loads and loads of these foto's! Enjoy
Lovely photos !
All the best for travel and projects... and more !
Your pictures are so alive! It's a great pleasure :-)
Hola! I came via Angie's blog. Me encantan las fotos.
Una Mama Mexicana viviendo en Europa
after doubting for a long time, and following others cv's, I joined CV for the first time this week, the cv is too tempting ;-)! love Hinke
lovely photos!
Oh what a view Jane, can I sit there?! :^)
Greetings from Amman! I love your pictures, look great. Don't know Spain that much, ashame really. Hope to discover it one day.
oh and i love this CV idea:)
oh that sounds amazing! love the photos and that tatto! hope the proyects are great!
Always on bars or coffee !!! be careful Jane !!!!
is it la movida ?
well I can certainly relate to being all over the place. Hope you;ll be sharing the projects you are working on! love that tattoo on the wrist! Is that yours?
Love that sequence, gracias;)
Sounds like a great day. The compisitions are so good!
life is really more fun that way, isn't it? and good to have friends in many places.
good luck with all your work, jane! you can do it!
It looks like a great place to hang!
Wonderful photos, as always -- that second one is particularly interesting -- the expression on the crouching man's face --
I've gotten a little away from Corner View these days but still enjoy visiting so many of the participants!
I love this set of photos, and it's so re-assuring to visit here and find your views from a cafe...
I think this looks like next week's theme too, a bliss-ful spot:)
Good luck with your projects.xo
Don't move, I come to visit you... right here ! !
Wonderful pics (again!)
I love this theme now the weather is finally summerish again.
In France? Where ? In Toulouse ! :) Please tell me !!
Hey Jane, you know, I am definitely a fan of your pictures !!!! My corner view is late nut is on line....
as usual i love your real life shots !!!
"bliss" is one of my favorite word... very open theme...
These are lovely photos!! Jane, I am so sorry... I haven't post corner view while but I promise I will start it again!! xox
This is wonderful. Beautiful photos. Very serene and calming to look at.
great photos
beautiful! i love how the second picture almost looks like a diptych! :)
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