What´s your pet´s name? (Or just a favorite.) Cows, chickens and sheep also count...
This is Coco (Chanel). Otherwise known as CocoNUT, Coco chip, The Cocster, and Tontita (Just look at that face;))
Thanks Aimee for reminding me how much fun these are!
P.S. Check out Kate´s latest post. It´s a classic! You can find it here.
¡Dos besos muy gordos!
Such a sweet pooch - lovable face, that one!
At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )
My brother´s is Ortxi and my ex´s is Pintxo.
Enjoy this grey and rainy weekend.
Coco is lovely!
Dublin, the black lab! He's the best black lab ever!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
When I was a child I had two dogs... Yankee and Mosca... I had cats too : Eschyle, Pi, Flic and Petit Mimi ;)
And a guinea pig... Bijou !
I have a cat: Reglisse (in French).
zouzou=white sheep
tess=black sheep
we have three chooks all called Henrietta, a rooster called Tiger, Patch the rabbit, holly & pepper the guinea pigs, Max & Daisy the dogs and Shorty the turtle. Oh, and Freddie & Emily the Indian Runner ducks! xo ps I love Coco
What a sweetie. Mine is Jack Jackson.
Gumaro (the chocolate lab and my first dog)
Lucio (the boxer the sweetest)
and Lola the lovely cat...
but sometimes they are called:
Gumaro - gordito, chuby...
Lucio - lucho, luciano
lola - dolores (when did something bad)
dos besos para tí también!
Mine is chany (crazy dog)..she's thinking ;)!
That is one darn cute dog. And how you captured his face and personality. It looks like he's saying, See how cute I can be? Trouble? I'm no trouble at all. Just a little guy who wants to sleep on your bed. We'll get to the garbage can later.
My last pet was a cockatiel bird. His name was Marty.sometimes I called him MARTIN!!!when he was screaming at the top of his lungs.
Unbelievable! I had to look twice...Coco seems to have a german sister called Paula! ;o)
You can see her nose here:
And I also did a papercut from her:
I had two dogs before, rest in peace my beloved: Momo and Joscha and a cat named Lissy.
Two you haven't heard about ... Sasha is sometimes Sashala, Nackers. Rosie is sometimes Rosette, Kiku-san.
Happy Weekend Jane! Besos!
Just LOOK at that face! Is she an English pointer mix? We rescued a desert mutt a year and a half ago (she graces my blog as the Hound of Love) and she has the same face- I think she's English pointer/lab/hound something mix. And she is the sweetest, most darling pup I've ever had. Her name is Dolly (Parton). Our corgi is Mac, but everyone calls him The Biscuit. I had an old paint horse named Mr. Piebald, and that probably takes the cake as far as pet names go.
Have a great weekend!
This is a great come back...I was missing those fridays actuially now that I realize....Ok our dog's name is trump, my cat's (which is from vietnam and is been now living in portugal for the last past years....) is Charlie.
This is a great come back...I was missing those Fridays actually now that I realize....Ok our dog's name is trump, my cat's (which is from Vietnam and is been now living in Portugal for the last past years....) is Charlie.
coco is so cute. our imaginary dog's name is lucy ;). enjoy your weekend!
oops ... did you receive my email?
we are about to have 2 new pet hermit crabs!!! but my son will be in charge of naming them, so i will have to update in a few days.
love that sweet coco! happy weekend, jane!
what cutie!
the fish are kit and cat (they replaced my mother in law's cat, kitty cat, and she asked to fish sit then refused to take them back)
the chickens are rosie, daisy, cappuccino, tea, amore, and ella.
doggies are the best. i have two favorites. Bear is a chiuaua/pomeranian mix (my dad's) and supie the little yorkie-poo (mom's)...some day i want one of my own :) have a great weekend in your corner of the world. aloha!
Woof! That is one sweet looking pup. I had a similar one growing up. Our favorite animal here is tie between dog and cat.
Growing up, we had a dog name Smiley. I liked that name.
And any dog named Coco Chanel is a dog I'd love :-)
Happy weekend,
We just had a bassett hound that died in December. His name was Roamin'. Such a droopy cute little dog. (Who also peed on new visitors out of sheer excitement.)
Moura is my dog, but I guess you know her;) Coco is gorgeous, Happy weekend!
We had four cats: Bernadette, Murphy Black, Jezebelle, and Azrielle. Only Azzie remains.
What an adorable expression! I love the pink spot on his nose... my first dog had a pink dot just like that, and we used to say it was like a dab of strawberry ice cream.
Our 10-year-old basenji is called Lady - also known as Ladybug, because she likes to bug people. And other dogs. And anything, so long as she gets attention... Her name was based on a really wonderful book called "Goodbye My Lady." Fun summer read, if you're looking for one!
Ha! You linked to me.
We have no pets right now - but my childhood dog was a poodle named Cricket (not the shaved, fancy kind though - he kind of looked like a shaggy black lamb).
I hope you have that photo blown up and framed in some awesome place in your home because it is REALLY GREAT!!!
Our pet is 19-yr-old cat named Ticonderoga (Tike for short)... yellowish orange tabby, like the color of the pencil, hence the name.
My favorite pet name story happened when we were teenagers. My sister arrived home after a year in CA... she had two cats in tow. Their very cool names were McGuill and Chicago. They promptly ran away. A year later we learned they'd moved to the neighbors' house down the (country) road, and their names were now Bozo and Princess. Seriously?!?
too sweet! I really want a dog, and when we move and get one I'm going to call him/her Cricket. We also have two cats, Muppet and Fraggle.
Coco is so sweet!
I had Dior the French Lop bunny in high school that got so huge I'd put him on a leash with a dog harness.
Now? Beatrice. She is my 9 year old Senegal parrot named for Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing. (Her full name is actually Beatrice Elizabeth Mayfield -Keller.) When you walk in the door she says, "Hi, Baby!"
She is adorable. I wish I could have one just like her....
Coco is adorable, my dogs name is sally but my daughter what a dog and she wants to call it Romeo.
Coco is the most adorable creature. No wonder you love her. Your post inspired me to sing the praises of my little friend. I linked back to you (and Coco). Because Coco deserves her share of the praises. Thanks for a fun idea!
Oh I missed Kiss and tell so much...
I've got two pets, one of them is a sweet golden retriever called Mel (it means honey in catalan) and a siamese cat called Po (just like the red teletubbie)
I love your Coco:)
hi jane: our cats name is "herr büsi" (mr. cat) he's from amsterdam. and his first name was bobby. we kind of adopted him. coco is a very nice name for a dog. happy weekend*
Hersh, Sandy, Shadow, Gray Girl, Kitty - and I'm out of breath!
Happy weekend, honey! Miss ya!
Oh yes, Miss Belle!
Art by Karena
while we don't have a pet (however i used to have a spaniel named coco!) i love the name of my daughter's class bird, Ding Dong. and her friend has a bunny named IHOP.
i loved the kiss and tell idea so much i swiped it from you!
What a sweet heart Coco is! I have cats...and they have multiple 'love' names too! And they answer to all.... :)
Aww coco... so cute and sweet! Our dog is named Mr. George. We call him George, Georgie, Mr. George, bubbles, cutie, ... Many names! :) That dog must be so confused! Have a nice week!
how adorable!
My lovely wee cockatoo is Maximillions or Max for short... My Aunt's dog is Bollinger Bubbles or Bolly for short ;)
Our cat is Argon. Our angora rabbit is Ms. Hunka Hunka Burning Love, Hunka Bianca, it goes on and on. Her papers say Bianca, but she is the Hunk. :)
Presley - Black and tan Coonhound Named after the king because she ain't nothin but a hound dog :)
Cody - After Buffalo Bill Cody, Beagle, also known as cokie, the coakester, co co
Sparky, Mixed Terrier, because he is the sparkle in my life
Coco!!! You melt my heart.
We have two kittens, named by my boys - Cinnamon (namesake of a dead cat) and Ginger.
hey! thanks for stopping by my flickr and leaving a sweet comment! lovely blog you have here! :)
i have a little dog about 7 pounds that i rescued.. his name is michael jackson because he is black and white :) i have some pictures of him on my blog/flickr if you want to see :)
i do love the name coco too :) and all of the nicknames.. so cuute! :)
have a lovely day
Just visited Spain, had a fantastic time! Check out my post.
Coco is gorgeous, look at that face!!
We have had dogs and other animals up till recently. Dogs were called Pity, Pepe, Gos and Lisa, Siamese cat was called Sherezade, Grey Guinea Parrot is called Tiberio (and he talks all the time, he is such a a clever fellow!), years ago we also had a gorgeous rose breasted cockatoo called Willy Willy who was loyal to us till a huge flock of his mates flew over our house and decided to join them.
Then there was Duffy the rosella, Agustin the budgie, Ingrid the dwarf seagull, Tom the hamster and Josefina the spider.
Not to mention the rest of the animals that were around but neved got a name....
my dog's name is ZARA.
It's a black cocker ;-)
My dog's name is Rufus and he is THE sweetest little thing ever. I just love him to pieces!
gorgeous dog! my cat is named "steevy" (he was named after steve mc queen..;))
I have two little doggies, Malcom and Elvis !!! I love this one.
Erm - our cat's name is Sookie... Yeah yeah I know.
our cat is Pepper, our frog is General hop.
Our chickens:
Boxie, Rocky, Feathery, Ambroult, Han Solo, and Pouffy (clearly, named by a 6 and 7 year old)
coco is so cute!
our dog is called alma=)
coco seems such a great dog!
my pet is phoebe... she's turned into 11 few weeks ago
happy weekend
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