31 October 2010

sunday outtakes

Hope you are enjoying yours!


Line said...

great pics Jane in Canada we have snow, very very early snow!!!

oh oh oh!!!

Anne Marie said...

You still have so much light. I'd love a day "en el campo".

Entre Nous said...

Aw, I just love cows :}

Joanna Jenkins said...

Whoa! That last photo-- Where's Alfred Hitchcock! Very cool.

Lollipop said...

yes, thanks! ;-)
loce your pictures. as always.

Isabelle said...

we went to a Spanish restaurant and we had EXCELLENT food ... there was a bull designed on the wall but my son said : no, it is a bison !!

Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

Lovely, especially the last picture!!

Cate said...

that last one is spooky, spooky, spooky. and beautiful, too.

how are you, jane? so glad to get a chance to come around and look at your blog! xoxo

;) said...

That was a great sunday. I want to have one like yours !!!

Unknown said...

where have you been? where are you, that rain is so far from you?

aimee said...

oh, whee, you've turned your comments back on! i want to come to spain and perch on top of your camera so i can see what you see!

KathyA said...

The photo of the birds reminds me of a poem I used to teach. Searching the recesses of by brain -- will send it to you (the poem, not the brain) when I find it.

Deniz said...

great sunday! xo

Kari said...

Oh I love the last photo. Awesome!

Memories Of Mine said...

I like this set of images and the last photo are they bird or bats there is certainly a large number of them

Rocio said...

Hi Jane!!
Love love love the picture with the flock of birds. A couple of weekends ago we saw the most ginormous one flying at dusk, it was beautiful. They must have been ducks for they were quite big.....I wonder how they get to choose the leader!!!

anna said...

oh Jane what a great selection..again! Have a great week!

l i s e said...

I did went to see an spanish paintor exhibition and I loved it
your photos still are wonderfull

Mlle Paradis said...

great pics as always jane. loved the shepherd post - i'm with you, that's the life!

Don said...

That's one big flock of birds! Beautiful!

Mari Mansourian said...

Jaaaaaane hi :))
it's been forever, hope all is well.
I have a new blog and wanted to join you guys once again for corner view
hope you stop by and say hi

lamediterrània said...

I loved the last one!
My weekend was spent all studying :)

Big kisses

Cobalt Violet said...

I love the flock of birds pic ... plus it looks nice and cool! It was 90 degrees in LA yesterday, which means about 105 in my apartment!

Hope you are well Jane! Enjoy your weekend!

l i s e said...

i totally love the last photo with the birds

shayndel said...

hi hello, Jane, You have a magnificent view!
Great to see the world that you share:))
Greetings and hugs,

nadine paduart said...

i was looking for an open comment block!
always 'coming home'; your pictures.
thank you, jane.

Esti said...

I just love that last pictures with the flock of birds on a grey sky.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Just stopping back to say hi! This is the most recent posts with comments on.
I'm loving your pics and looking forward to see where else you've been!
Cheers, jj


I knew a girl who was blue. So she painted her world pink. xoxo