Over Christmas we went skiing. My family skied (I have an aversion to heights... and speed)... and I took pictures of snow. I was able to convince Jorge not to ski for a couple of days so we could visit some of the small French towns close by. We got in two days of coffees, chocolate eclairs, cafes, and outdoor markets. When I suggested a third day including lunch in Pau, Jorge just started laughing at me... Then went skiing with the kids.... and I took more pictures of snow... Hey! A girl can try. ;)
Thank you for your comments on my last post! I love you guys!
"It's hard convincing yourself that where you are at the moment is your home, and it's not always where your heart is. Sometimes I win and sometimes not." -- Jonathan Carroll
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Jane. . .you can even make dead geraniums look good. Ha. Cold, but good.
beautiful photos :)
While these are absolutely beautiful, and your days look like heaven, I'd have to go with Jorge!
ps... big is very good when it comes to your blog :)
Happy New BIG Year! the photos are amazing! We too went skiing with the kids, but just for a couple of days in Ezcaray (Rioja), the best part were the caparrones and other Rioja "delicacies" (aka pimiento relleno, morcilla... ummm). I do miss the north. Besos!
a girl can try indeed!
and the snow pics?
Your photos really take me there for a few moments.
I don't like the snow nor the ski so I would be your perfect companion:-) Gorgeous shots!
You speak french very well Jane !! Happy New year ! I don't like skiing too ... so dangerous for a little fieldmaouse :)
Beautiful life you have there, and wonderful how much you can share it in photos with us. :)
I use to ski, but my husband had a need for speed. I would hang out with you any day.
your photos are even more stunning now that you've gone XXL! wow!
Amazing shots. I love that one of the pegs.
Pegs!! Who'd have thought to have taken a photo of pegs - but it works, it looks brilliant!!!
fabulous I wish I was there too!!
Moi aussi je n'aime pas trop le ski, mais un petit café avec un croissant au chocolat j'adore !
A bientôt
I don't ski, either. I was deemed dangerous to others so I'd either be in the hot tub or taking pictures with you! And your pictures are TOTALLY fine!
Your photos make my heart skip a beat. Now I want to visit the little shops. They look amazing.
Hugs my friend! xo
p.s. I was admiring your pink sevilla collar. Hmmm... I wonder if the other dudes at the park would laugh at Bo for wearing pink (and flowers).
this is a simply fabulous post!!!...I travelled with your words and pictures...so gorgeous!!
love the new look of your blog, with the big photos!
I do ski, but I guess I would choose the small french towns too.. :)
How awesome are your photos?! Glad you got to spend some extra time with Jorge. And, I'm with you - I'd rather take pictures of snow as I have an aversion to crashing head over heels! Lovely to visit with you today, Jane.
oh ! such lovely tones, colors ! i can't believe it is my country !!! so much more beautiful with your eye & camera !
ps : i love speeeeeed !! but can't downhill ski anymore due to foot injury ... how unfair :(
I am with you - I would rather meander and sight see any day. Let's go - 2 coffees, and 2 eclairs!
Who passes on another chance to eat chocolate eclairs!?!?! That's insane :-)
xo jj
jane - i don't really have to say it, but your charms are irresistible!
glad you found your way to big.
to be clearer, your irresistibility is self evident!
enjoy it all!
Jane eres única captando la esencia española!!!
great pics!!! love the second one!
gr8 photos.. u r great jane
+ one tea for me please ;-)
I love those pictures.
ha yes! the bigger images - button works wonders here! well done... it does give your beautiful photos credit!
btw, cheers, jane, the photo sits right in front of me, on my make do private window sill...
keeping it safe from the flying dust around me too!!
Your pohotos get better all the time.
j'adore la photo des pinces à linge, i like very much the third photo!
well, hey! he did give you a couple of days... and, as they say, a closed mouth doesn't get fed.
my fave is the clothespins. love.
Great!!! More Beatifull photos.....i love the first pic....wondefull place...
One big Hug
Sounds like a win win situation to me!
the clothes clips are transporting me somehow. besos!
Happy 20xx and keep on making beautiful 'spain daily' eyecandy!
hihi, love the photo's and the big!!
I love those pegs! How do you manage to make them look Spanish?
looking forward to deux café au lait avec toi si'l vous plait.
I just love your looks...such an inspiration for me....kisses from here....
next time I could be your companion!
Me too Jane, I'm scared of high and speed :D. Your story remind me of our trip to Lake Tahoe. We end up explored places by trekking and hiking. We found some beautiful hidden places which I'm sure can't have them if we did 'skiing'. What a lame excuse, who cares I had great time :D.
Beautiful pictures Jane! I have an aversion to the pointy things you stick to your feet in order to do that skiing thing, so I'm with you there :D
This shots are so great Jane! Your last 2 posts made me miss a heartbeat. Absolutely gorgeous.
that's the perfect vacations! with your family, yet by yourself. And above all, in les Alpes françaises. did i say perfect? yes!
always love your photos jane!! ;)) (and your stories...;))
A cafe au lait pour moi too!!
Gorgeous and even more delicious in the large format.
Enjoy the pleasures of your days,and thanks for adding pleasure to ours vicariously:))
Holy c--p my dear! Seriously. Your photos are ridiculous.
In my next life I am coming back as your camera.
Beautiful. Oh, and I have the same aversions.
And why speed when you can sit in a cafe with a chocolate eclaire?
miammmm ... a chocolate eclair !!!
Une boulangerie qui mélange le sud ouest à l'est, cela doit être tout à fait délicieux.
I just found your blog and I'm thrilled. Great photos and interesting stories. I will come again.
beautiful pics
i wish i could join your family skiing (well me prefers snowboarder actually but skiing will do) its been years... no snow in cape town. and taking photos of the snow with you. i would have stayed the 3rd day too ;)
a girl can dream?!
happy new year!
I LOVE the colour and compositions in your photos Jane! How do you do it? I want to take a course. I want to take a photo a la Jane!
Jane - you've got to go skiing! You would love the whirrrr of wind, the sound of your skis carving the snow, and the feel of sun on your face - it's amazing! Almost as great as wearing flip flops!
Lindas photos!
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