Tortilla de patata is a Spanish staple. I´ve changed it a little. Jorge always asks me why I like to mess with perfection. I can´t help it. Um, just wanted to note, he did have seconds...
You can make this with any vegetable. I used these because that´s what I happened to have in the fridge.
Finely dice the following vegetables. (If making with just potatoes, deep fry in oil on a very low heat until tender-not crisp.)
1 tomato
1 zucchini
2 artichokes
1/2 red pepper
1/2 onion
1 carrot
olive oil
5 eggs
1 non-stick frying pan
Cook vegetables in olive oil until soft. Meanwhile beat eggs and season with salt. (You will also have time to test your kid on the kings of Spain, get someone to feed the dog, and plan tomorrow´s shopping list...) When the vegetables are cooked, add them to the eggs and mix. The heat will start to cook the eggs. Add more oil to the same frying pan and add the egg mixture back to the pan. Let cook, on low to medium heat, evenly without stirring. When the bottom and sides are cooked, loosen the tortilla from the sides of the pan and swirl to make sure nothing is sticking. The top shoud still be uncooked. Place a plate over the pan. Offer a small prayer to the tortilla gods and flip so that the tortilla is now sitting on the plate (and probably starting to run a little). Slide the tortilla (uncooked side down) back into the pan so it can finish cooking. Do not overcook. It should be a little wet and mushy on the inside.
Eazy peazy...ooh tortilla with peas...just kidding Esti!
This is very similar to what we call frittata! I'm not clear on one step: do you remove the veggies from the pan, and then add them still hot to the eggs?
yummy! i like the addition of hte veggies as well as your husband's comment. how so typically spanish. they are so very proud of all things spanish, are they not? :)
Hey Francesca- Yes you add the hot veg to the eggs, mix and then return everything back to the hot pan. Add more oil to the pan first. I also, when I don´t feel like tempting the tortilla gods, stick the tortilla in the oven to finish it off. - my kids know the frittata well, Jorge, on the other hand, doesn´t...
Hey lb :)
ei ei ei - I am so hungry now :o)
Wish you a creative day today!
I love tortilla!
Maybe is because I come from a spanish family and I grow up eating that kind of dishes...
We have it at least once a week... it´s easy to do and so delicious!
Hummm ... seems delicious !!
Thanks for the recipe, I will try soon
Jane, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I so don't want to go into work this morning because I want to make this recipe!! Well I guess someone has to buy the veggies. LOL...
Have a golden day! xoxo
ha, ha....
The only veg that i allow in my "tortilla de patatas" is onion :), but on the other hand, I don't cook so who am I to judge?
oh yes please!
...this looks absolutely delicious! at home, we call it "torta", [is that like a big tortilla?] and it fits in the recessionista lifestyle, because it's mainly leftovers!
...i love how you eat so healthily, jane!...and that jorge had seconds! i had lentil soup last night inspired by you several blog entries back! :)
I used to love the simple potato tortillas when I lived in Spain, but that looks even better.
i love how you are helping me plan my weekly menus! i'll be trying this...
My mum is from South America (Uruguay) and she sometimes makes tortillas, just as beautiful as yours. I love them...
yum -this was my favorite thing to eat when i visited madrid (jorge's kind) in those little downstairs tapas places - love your veggie version, and the gorgeous photos!
rico! rico!... y con fundamento...
mucho fundamento...
Que cosas tenemos....
saludos vecina.
Why do I have the feeling that if I made these they would fall apart and be ick? Yours look splendid though. I have an opening for a personal chef.. ;)
This looks and sounds sooooo delicious! Thank you so much for the detailed and well written directions...I love to cook, but pretty new at it...maybe I have failed in the past b/c I didn't offer a small prayer to the cooking gods. ;)
These look so yummy and healthy...
Thank you for the recipe!!
Que rico se ve eso Jane! con lo que me gusta la tortilla...
our imaginary band brought me to your blog!
it's nice! I would like to bite into your tortilla!
It would be great to do the first band training at your real house! in Spain?!
I can't wait to try this ! I love tortilla ... I make it like THIS but your way looks amazing and so full of vegetable goodness !!
Love those shots! I could eat the picture!
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