29 August 2009

august 29

Have you ever seen a ghost?

It´s funny, all my American friends have, but not one of my Spanish friends has... Then they proceed to laugh at me when I tell them that Americans see them all the time... I, personally, have never seen a ghost... and I´d like to keep it that way...


Anandi said...

I've never seen a ghost. Although everyone else seems to have had at least one freaky experience. I'm not sure ghosts exist, but if they do, I wouldn't mind running into one (or though one, if popular notions are to be believed). For purely scientific reasons of course!

AND need I say I like the picture? I always do!

Have a nice weekend!

april said...

dear jane i'v never seen a ghost, but i really would like to meet one, a nice one ;-) happy weekend to you*

Rie said...

I lived in a house with 2 ghosts, there was also a ghost next door as well.
Also experience 2 ghosts at work too - that was an interesting day!

;) said...

Boooooo... I'm one of them ;) Seriously, I never seen one, but two friends of mine told me about strange meeting !! It's very amazing ! I keep my mind open until the day I'll be a ghost ;)

So, you're back !! Have a nice week-end and thanks for these beautiful pictures and funny posts...

Anonymous said...

i dont believe you can actually see them

kristina - no penny for them said...

nope. i think they are avoiding me.

me and alice said...

Hi Jane!
Loong time ago since I visit your cool blog...
I´ve never seen a ghost either, but we have an old house where friends of us have seen an old lady dressed all in white coming down the stairs.... Hope I never see her... *giggle*
Have a great weekend!

Francesca said...

Jane, this is TERRIBLY upsetting to me. I've just finished reading with the boys Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde, where we learned that Americans don't believe in ghosts like the Brits/Europeans:)!
PS He also says that ghosts do exist!

likeschocolate said...

I have never seen a ghost either, but seen faces in places like waterfalls, but I think that it is not a ghost or otherwise clouds would be ghost too.

adrienne said...

lots of ghosts; perhaps we americans see them because we are less at peace with our ancestors?

who knows, maybe we're simply daft...

Crescent Moon said...

I've never seen a ghost, but as a child I was sure our house was haunted. When I was a teenager, my friends and I scared ourselves by playing with a Ouija Board in our basement. We asked if anyone was there and the pointer went to the word "Yes". We asked if it was a man. Again it said, "Yes". We asked for the first letter of his last name and the pointer traveled to the "D". When I was a baby, my parents had bought the house from a widow whose last name was Detloff (I'm probably spelling that wrong), so we assumed that meant that Mr. Detloff was communicating with us. We asked if he liked company and the pointer moved to "No". That was when we all jumped up and ran, screaming and nervously giggling, up the stairs and out of the house.

kyndale said...

I've never seen a ghost but I think I've felt one after my grandpa died..Maybe I was just creeped out by his death?

heidi said...

i LOVE the pear photo!

Nope, I've never seen a ghost but I would like to!

Nicola said...

ummm, no.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Oh sure, my grandmother's ghost lives in my sisters closet-- Swear to gawd!

Ardoise & Bitume said...

I like your blog, your photos are beautiful!

Janis said...

Nope, never ...

Bonnie said...

not that i know of ....

Anonymous said...

i see them all the time. they seem to be attracted to me.

Elizabeth said...

I'm American and I've never seen a ghost.

lamediterrània said...

Please keep it on the Spanish way hahahahaha
I've never seen one xD

caitlin said...

I feel the exact same way. I'm happy not ever seeing one.

Ana Cristina Abreu said...

i don't know if i've seen a ghost but i know that i've already seen weirds things in my bedroom. once i woke up in the middle of the night and i could swear that i saw a woman's shadow... that freaks me out!!

KathyA said...

Felt one's presence, yes. Actually seen one, no.

Joyce said...

Shhh... I have seen them. xoxo

Esti said...

I'd be terrified.


I knew a girl who was blue. So she painted her world pink. xoxo