18 September 2009

kiss and tell friday

So I had another idea... Wait! Don´t run for the hills just yet. I really liked hanging out with you in August. So I thought we could continue the tradition for a little while longer. Every Friday I´ll post a question and we can learn a little bit more about each other... And, like I´ve said before, if you don´t feel like it, no problem... I´m used to talking to myself...

What´s your favorite curse word? (In your language.)
Mine is "son of a bitch." Just one word doesn´t seem like enough...

¡Dos besos! (the "kiss" part... get it? kiss and tell?)

Happy weekend!


Joyce said...

Oooh... I don't think I should list the word that sometimes slips from my lips. Where's the parental control button? LOL... Have a golden weekend my friend!! xoxo

Dominique said...

I say "Batinsse" which in French is a transformation of the word "Baptême" (Baptism), which would be swearing. Since I don't swear (or so rarely), I go for the altered version. I've used it in a meeting once and everybody burst out laughing so I guess it's not too offensive ;-)

Juana said...

¡Carajo!( in Spanish) In Italian I am more polite: Porca miseria! That's because my (adult) son doesn't like to hear me saying big words in any language!lol

Francesca said...

Your posts always make me smile. Many kisses:)

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

you are cracking me up with this one.
I would have to say the phrase that slips from my mouth most often when something is going wrong is, "ahhh shit, shit. shit. shit."
sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly, sometimes in a shrill crazy voice.

hope your weekend is anything but 'shit'. :)

Lisa said...

I use the word "shit" a lot! And I am embarrassed to say that when both my kids were starting to talk they both ran around saying "shit!" I know, terrible isn't it?! They don't do it anymore, of course! But I still do... unfortunately.

Palmer and Co said...

Ha!! This is the best. I'll have to come back and read all the comments.

I love when the English say 'Bloody Hell!' So I try and say it with a English accent. That and a few more dozen words that probably shouldn't escape my lips...

likeschocolate said...

Ok, so I am making myself vulnerable and I am not perfect. Occationally, I have been know to say Ass hole, but not very often.

Anonymous said...

Seriously?? uuhh...I swear in English...like (do I really need to write it down??)
Oh Fuck,
Holy Crap,
Bloody Hell,
Halelujah (I use this as a swear word)

Holy, Hell and Halelujah??? Even I am amazed...lol

Have a nice weekend you funny woman!! XXX, C.

Unknown said...

I say "God Damn It" if I'm really mad .... maybe it's a way of asking Him to get involved somehow

la lune dans le ciel said...

:O.....putain ! bordel de merde !...oh !pardon......

Daan said...

zut alors




back for you and a happy weekend!

Mulot B. said...

Well - my favorite is "connard" and "putain" - when angry, I use them (especially putain) to ponctuate every sentence ! hihihihi ...

Come Away With Me said...

OK, I like this idea of yours and maybe I can manage to participate more this time around! Well, swear word huh? I try (not always successfully) really hard not to use most of them because, if you stop and really consider what they mean, it can get pretty ugly.

Perhaps this is why my favorite two are ones I don't really know what they mean:

Oi va voy! (Hebrew)
Ai Carumba! (Spanish??)

Oh, I guess that is five words, not two....sorry, lots more than you asked for!

hinke said...

OOh I like this, I'm signing up too

Mine are: potverdorie, this one is still pretty polite and is usable when the children are around.

But if I'm on my own my favourite is: KUT!

Hinke from the Netherlands

KathyA said...

Mine is f____me blind! Forgive me!

Catalina said...

I like this idea of yours. When something is wrong "joder, joder".

You know, I am from Santander, so...

Unknown said...

MERD....mais oui!

Daniel knows what really slips out during road rage !!

l i s e said...

Since I became a mother try not to say them. But when I'm very angry I can say : merde, putain but still trying to replace them by : zut, crotte...

Ani said...

I usually end up saying "son of a biscuit!" because of the little one. But I used to curse like a sailor when I was a professional cook!

;) said...

I had a big training to not use curse words... But I like old-fashioned words... Saperlipopette for example... and the Captain Haddock's words I can read in the comics by Hergé... amphitryon, anacoluthe, astronaute d'eau douce... Words that sounds like curse words... without being...

kjkljk;ljljgjgfuyhd said...

My usual chorus is "shit, damn, and hell" though not every day...only to emphasize something that might otherwise sound boring on it's own. My Dutch husband's is "kut". Thinking about your question cracks me up! :+D

Polly said...

oh fun!!

my favourite Polish swearword is kurcze blade which translates as "pale chicken"

isn't it amazing how swearwords often make no sense in another language?

(I can also swear in German quite nicely but I'm thinking one's enough for now)

Erin said...

Ha, I start speaking in partially made-up Spanish/ silly pirate. For Example; "Muey estupido Argh-ile socks!"

Embarrassing, but true! Lol

caitlin said...

I am totally with Vanessa on this one.

Sherry O said...

Oh, boy! I had to comment on this one. You really are a hoot! Being half Gaditana, raised and living in the U.S., I swear in andalusian spanish (as if I don't do it when I'm in Spain). Nobody knows what I'm saying, so it doesn't seem so bad.

joÉ (real emphasis on that "e")
COño (real emphasis on the "co")
mecagonlaleche or mecagontujmulaj (all words schmorked together just like that with missing sounds and extras added)

I feel as if I have Tourrette's, writing those with no reason!
Dos besos pa ti tb!

Lisa - Fine Sweet Life said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

without question the "F" word!

Line said...

en français c'est pas joli joli I won't swear not this time, what a fun post!!! Merde!

5 orange potatoes said...

HA! I was just talking to the girls about curse words today, they hear me say "shit" a lot! I used the word "poop" the other day with my sister and she told me to "grow up and just say shit!"


Nicola said...

i'm choosing my mom's. she never swears, but when she occasionally if overcome to do so, she rapid fires "shit fuck damn"
hmmm, that feels so nice to type that and i am not even in a foul mood. :)
i am having a little give-away on my blog if you or anyone else wants to pop over!

Elizabeth said...

My favorite curse word is SHIT.

Margret said...

haha, love it! I'll be borrowing a few of these, damn just doesn't seem to stand up after this. More of an insult rather than a curse, but I remember 'cock head' sounded so funny the first time I heard it after only ever hearing 'dick head'. I still love it.

la ninja said...


(and a pretty variety of English, Dutch, Catalan and Spanish shaken AND stirred)

Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

'For helvede'... means 'to hell' in Danish. Usually said really loud...nobody around here understands it anyway ;-)

Gloria said...

My most used cuss, 'FUCK ME!!' It drives my husband crazy 'cos he hates when I swear. At times I just run round the house saying Fuck Me, just to wind him up:D!!

This is my first visit to your blog and, Fuck me, LOL! I was surprised to see this post.

I think you're gonna be fun so I'm gonna sign up and follow you.

I have also lived in Spain for nearly three years but am British by birth. Am loving it here. I am new to blogging so hope you'll come and give my blog a look-see.

Will be back to read thru' some of your earlier posts!

Have a great weekend!

Cherry B said...

What a great ice breaker! I'd say "dammit!" usually pops out first when I'm annoyed, but sometimes you just need that "fff" and "kk" sound to release some frustration. A close friend says, "What the f**king f**k!?" which cracks me up. A high school friend used to say "bon of a sitch!" which was pretty effective, too.
I watched an Oprah once and the guy they had discussing this said we should, instead, try to say, "A thousand curses." The audience nearly laughed him off the stage-- it's just not satisfying.

lily boot said...

This is so funny! And the comment above is dead right - a thousand curses just isn't satisfying. I have to confess to the usual - mostly followed by Oh I'm so sorry I just said that. But my favourite curse would be that used by a dear friend whose husband left her and her 3 kids - he was christened a "rotten mongrel pig dog bastard" - now we all use it as the standard phrase for a guy who's done the dirty on his wife.

Ritva said...


Anonymous said...

oh Jane how you love to stir things up, don't you? when the wee ones aren't around i say the "c" word, the "f" word, the "t" word...etc etc. i like to swear. when the little ones are nearby i say "oh bother!"

Cate said...

first of all, i adore you, jane. second of all, my fave is "ass triscuit" so uniquely american and straight to the point. pretty sure you couldn't use it in spain. there's most likely nary a triscuit in sight. $hit pickle is also a nice one i picked up from the south. even my bad language includes food. sigh.

Crescent Moon said...

I don't swear very often. I do use the word "crap" more than I probably should around my son, but so far that has not become one of his words. My husband swears quite a bit and we refer to those as Daddy's driving words, which are not to be repeated.

Ana Cristina Abreu said...

oh my god jane
i wanna say but i'm too shy, but i'll try.
well, let me tell you something: i used to say bad words when i'm driving (but i only say to me), cause here there are a lot of drivers who doesn't respect the others drivers, so i used to say: FILHO DE UMA ÉGUA. i can't believe i wrote this...

Have a great weekend!!

and thanks for the words.


Jeannette said...

Okay.....let´s come out the closet. :)
Most of the time I say Oh man mixed with the German version Oh manno. If I´m irritated I will be Shiiiiit, shitshitshit or merde but get me really in the mood and make me angry I will say all the curse words under the sun that I know.
Pffff....so glad my parents don´t have internet. We were forbidden to swear as kids. My father always said Bloemkool (culliflower) as a curse. ;)

liza said...

I'll tell you what my favorite here is... ass triscuit! Hilarious. I've never heard that. And I've always thought merde was quite to the point.

Anonymous said...

Saperlipopette !!! LOL of course... in Marseille, you can hear "la con de sa mère"...strange words !!!

Joanna Jenkins said...

It begins with an "F" and ends with getting my mouth washed out with soap :-)

Bree said...


[very hard word for female genital]

soapsoap to wash my mouth... or ahh.. keyboard/computer

Cyn said...

You're too funny - I swear both in English (ShhhiT!! or Crap!!) and Spanish (Coño! Carajo! Ostia! or my dad's favorite, and always makes me think of the church, me cago en el papa!!).

Nicky said...

Depends on the occasion, but Joder!! is quite a good one.... ; )

Tiphaine said...

well, I'm knew here and I don't tell much of "bad" words, but maimly I would use : crétin, ou crétine, if it's a he being concerned or a she!! And when I really have to swear that would be purée (mash potatoes) because i had to correct mayself of saying putain (whore) because my sons would repeat it endless.....

Rie said...

Mother-ducker. It's swearing without swearing!!!!!!!!

Sammi said...


in Spanish. Usually at work.

Leciawp said...

Hope you're enjoying your weekend Jane! xo

Esti said...

I don't use bad words frequently, and that's why sometimes my friends call me conservative or "sosa". I like old-fashioned ones that my dad still use, but if angry I can yell "joder!" every now and then, ha, ha...

ticklishfromadistance said...

F. For sure.

Reyes said...

I am from Logroño so obviously it is coño (people in Rioja say it ALL the time! I have noticed that in Madrid people swear less).

VERY interesting comments.


Janis said...

BUTANA!!! - my favorite :)

malo said...

:-) Love this and what a great idea with friday questions.
I say helvete (hell) when modestly angry and not in pain. Helvetes jävla skit (mix of hell, devil, shit) when hitting my toe or something like that.

julochka said...

i have so many, it's hard to choose one. and tho' it's not my native language, i do love "sgu" in danish. you can just pepper it in and it's almost kinda of endearing. not too strong, but just right and it lowers the tone a notch and makes everyone comfortable.

Ma life à moi said...

I used to say Groumpf and when my children are at school Putain !

la ninja said...

just came across this calvin & hobbes quote and as I whole-heartedly agree with it, I thought I'd paste it here. So there:

"Life's disappointments are harder to take when you don't know any swear words."


I knew a girl who was blue. So she painted her world pink. xoxo