My computer was making a funny noise the other day, so I brought it to the shop. The good news is, they know what´s wrong with it. The bad news is, I´m in Spain... (So it might take awhile to fix.) Hope all is well with you. We had a 4 day weekend here. There was a lot of baking, hiking, shooting (photos), and lazing around. I also discovered that the Food Network is now on Sky... And I´m becoming strangely addicted. I´m not sure if it´s becasue of the American accents or the food. Probably the accents... They all cook with EXTRA VIRGEN Olive Oil... Does anyone else find this a tad blasphemous?
Wish I could join you for CV... I´m here in spirit. If anyone has any ideas for next week´s theme, please leave them in the comments. Thanks!
¡Dos besos more gordos!
"It's hard convincing yourself that where you are at the moment is your home, and it's not always where your heart is. Sometimes I win and sometimes not." -- Jonathan Carroll
09 December 2009
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Jorge´s grandmother, Amachi, lived to be 104 years old. When she hit 100 I asked her what was the secret to a long life. She told me that th...
No words necessary... Next week´s theme is Saturday. Happy Corner Viewing! P.S. My kids are leaving for the States in a few days so I haven´...
Don´t worry. It is great to hear you have a great long weekend.
No imagination today.
Courage Little Jane !
ola, to the computerdocor!
have a nice weekend!
mm and CV idea's ...
i have to think about that ...
We had a 4 day weekend too. I'm glad you enjoyed yours.
I miss US TV and I know it's the accents is what I miss.
As for CV theme well I'll have to get back to you on that one.
Hi Jane. have a great weekend
next corner view Winter Wishes
ha ha -x-
Hi Jane, here in Iberia we have to be patient;)but I'm sure they'll fix the computer. I was thinking that "books" could be a great theme to the next corner view!
Hello Jane, hope your computer gets fixed very soon! CV without your photos is not the same!
Have a great day, un bacio
How about "ice" for next week's theme?
We´ll wait for you.
Isn't it just awful? I mean, Really!
How did we, as humans, get to this point in our relationship with computers? It's almost like a beloved pet, or a must take it to the doctor if it is sick ~ there's just no question about it.
Try to be patient ~ The food network will distract you :+)
Computer nightmare's are often the scariest. How about what is on your nightstand for cv
What a bummer about your computer! Hopefully they will get it back to you quickly! We got to enjoy a bit of the holiday "buzz" just before we left on Sunday. Lots of families apparently go to Marbella for the holiday!
What about a CV with a "Celebrating the holidays"? If someone is not celebrating Christmas they could show what they celebrate this time of year!
I think we watch the Food Network more than any other channel. My son is a big fan of Iron Chef. I hope your computer is better soon!
Jane! 78 degrees and a gorgeous breeze over the lagoon this morning! Come to Savannah - I'll share my computer!
When in Spain, Patience!
Hi, would love to join Corner View - how do i do it?
hope you computer will be fine and fast with you!
CV is about corner view?
All the ideas sounds good so far. I particular like Puna's suggestion of "ice."
Enjoy your long weekend!
Ooooo, computer, Spain, waranties.... sounds baaaaaad!
I'm in for this week's CV and suggest nex t week could be a "what is your very own object in your house?" or just a "peace" CV...
Otros besos pa ti!
These are super comments! I love Bichos da Matos' suggestion about books. Winter always makes me think about curling up and reading. Especially today as the wind chill is a lovely ten below.
I know what you mean. On satellite here, I watch the BBC Food channel, perhaps because it reminds me of Britain, BUT, I also watch A Place in the Sun, which is about British expats living in Spain.
As for a theme for next week's Corner View, White seemed to produce some great posts, so how about another one of the colours, like Blue?
Scrub my suggestion for next week's theme, as I've just read Bichos da Matos suggestion: Books. That would be better.
all the best to you and your computer!
miss your photos :(
especially this evening ;)
... wait and see...
I've got an idea for the next theme. Do you know the blog of Brinja ???? (
Every weeks she posted what she wore and it's funny !!! So "what we wore this day" ? (a fashion theme !!!)
Bises et Courage Jane !
Hope your computer is better soon! :)
Read you soon !!!! and know you'll have other ways to enjoy your evening ;)
Computer fixing in Spain must be challenging - Good luck and see you next week!
Oh it makes me crazy when my computer is on the blink. Hope you're back up and running soon! But your week sounds like a good one, and sometimes its healthy to step away from cyberspace, no?
E V O O as Rachel Ray says. Good lucj with your computer!
I'm failing on the Corner View this week too....I have car trouble.....I managed to self diagnose the problem via the internet (and I was correct) now I just wished that I had self-diagnosed a cheaper problem to fix - oh well £680 for the part soon became £58 when I managed to get a second hand one! Now just to know how much it will cost to fit....
Hope your computer is well again soon!
Good luck for the up coming waiting!!! I posted my cv, but for the next theme,i don't know!!! i'm gonna think about it!!
Hey Jane! So, you don't cook with olive oil? Tell what you cook with..What about for next week, "the holiday spirit"? I hope your computer gets healed soon.
Yes, we're carrying on the Corner View today, but it's just not the same without you, Jane. May your computer's recovery be speedy.
I haven't a CV theme suggestion, but when I read "what's on your nightstand" I shuddered! Mine is such a mess, so I hope it's not that.
Good luck.
How about the theme of "joy"?
Because it's almost the holidays?
miss your images
hope your computer will get better soon!
Yes. Blasphemous... and the sign of a really rich country!
enjoy your time away from things - even if it was unplanned :)
I hope you're up and running again soon! We'll miss your Corner View this week!
oh sh*t!,...
Finaly my cv is online...
take care jane & COURAGE...
theme for another cv: light ???
what a pitty
i really wanna see the evening there!!
gret you had a great weekend
Poor computer ... and poor us. ;)
I only use the Extra virgin olive oil for salads and cold food. Normal olive oil for cooking. enjoy your time of and become a master chef. Watch all the Food Network that you can and we all will benefit from that in the future when you give us the recipes. ;)
Had to look up what gordos means. So you give us two really fat kisses? ;)
Food Network IS addicting!
Enjoy spain and The Food Network (it's GREAT!).
I'm away all next week and will be off line so in case I miss you MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
Hi Jane! Buy a Mac! We are Mac fan since the Plus era and never had problems.
As for next week theme, I am with Ian: BOOKS!
Hi Jane in Spain,
have a great weekend!
Good luck with your computer.
Thanks for being here in spirit, I think I see a smile...
oi, woman, stop having a go at repair services in spain, man. ;P good luck, though, ha!
extra virgen, I think it's hilarious. always have. toot toot.
Pity you're so far, Jane, you'd get your computer fixed in no time at all here:)!
Jane I feel your pain. I'm lost when my computer acts up. I'm sure I could add to the list my cell phone, blogger, camera, car etc...
Many hugs my friend. xo
I hate it when the computer (or the car) makes funny noises. Never are they a good harbinger!
Hey don't mess with the spaniards hahahaha
You love food, don't you? I doooo I do I do I do I do... but there's a little problem: I can't eat right now because I've got no teeths yuhu!
You can't imagine how difficult is for me to see my sister leaving her Longaniza aragonesa with botifarra in her plate...I can't stand it xD
When the canadians came here they were really surprised that we cooked every single thing with olive oil, they couldn't understand it! But hey, I'm sure that patatas fritas wouldn't be that good if they were cooked with anything else hmmmmm LOVE THEM!
Big besos sin dientes!! :)
sounds like a nice of luck with the computer!
I hope you get it back soon. See you around :)
we miss you ... come back quickly
Got me thinking on..
1) 'Today's headline' from the first page whichever it is that we read daily. I mean real paper, not its www. We shot and then share the headline briefly.
2) 'online shopping'. Preferred websites exchange (w/links)
3) 'Show me your desktop'
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