Any New Year´s resolutions?
I´ve decided to accept that living in Vitoria (for the past 10 years) is not a temporary gig, and that we are probably going to be here for a while. My resolution is to finally hang some curtains...
Wishing you all a wonderful New Year. I raise my glass to all of you!
¡Dos besos!
felíz 2010 jane! tres besos gordos para ti!
No more soda. Help!!
Happy Weekend.
To be more diciplined in all areas!
My resolution is to either grow taller (so not going to happen) or to learn to walk gracefully (painlessly? Is that possible) in heels.
Or at least to get my ears to grow bigger.
Lots of Love!!!!!!!!!
Home is where you hang up your curtains!
I just learned how to say Happy New Year in Spanish recently, but I guess I am left with feliz 2010 Jane! :)
have a fantastic 2010!!!!
Whole wheat pasta. And red undies. Hahahaha!
xoxoxoxo g.
Happy New Year Jane!!! Resolutions? I haven't come up with anything yet, though I know I will have a list in my head a mile long soon :^)
Happy new year to you! No resolution but I am going to choose a word for the year :)
Took the resolution not to take any so I am sure to succeed!
Happy New Year Jane
i'm done with resolutions. i choose two words for the year : believe and balance. let's see how that goes.
happy new year to you!
Wishing you and yours a Felice*Mutlu*Happy New Year, Jane. I've done resolutions, and one of them is to continue (think) only of the best whatever I do. ((Hugs))
I'm still working on mine, want to do it right this year :) One thing I know already is that i want to be more daring and not let doubts holding me back.
Enjoy your home & have a great 2010!
Douce et belle année à toi et ta famille!
wish you a amazing 2010
and a holiday in Amsterdam
To eat more fruit. Learn to make creme brulee. Discover more new places in the Netherlands where I live. Happy 2010 in your house with curtains.
Awesome resolution
life is good.
happy new year!
happy staying!
happy shopping for some beauty-curtains!
Happy New Year! I haven't thought of resolutions...yet!
Happy new year Jane! Beijos gordos de Lisboa;)
a wonderful New Year Jane!!! Filled with happiness and love:-)
bonne année ma très chère Jane !je te souhaite tout le bonheur du monde et je pense (très)souvent à toi !
des bises!
More Ice Wine! Num Num.....
Learn to crochet and climb som mountain tops, that's mine.
I've lived where I am about ten years now too.
There is indeed a sheet hung over the window I'm sitting next to.
Will you be making these curtains?
How about I tell you AFTER I accomplish the resolutions. This way if I don't do them I can use them for next year! Enjoy.xo
happy new year jane!
yep. to let go, stop trying so hard, and balance the important things.
besos :)
My resolution?? ; no resolution!
So I am sure I will be not disappointed by myself ;-))
Enjoy the new year... new and Lovely year
Que celle ci te doit belle et douce
Emma from San Francisco
Let;s drink to one day hanging curtains in San Sebastian!! :>)
Happy Curtain Hanging !!
Oh, isn't it wonderful to finally know you're staying in one place and can completely nest?! I think you've inspired my resolution for 2010: to commit to this house and really make it feel like 'home'.
Hello! My resolution is to stop cursing!!!
What is life like there for a girl from philly? Happy new year!
Happy New Year!!!!
Warm Wishes.
Happy New Year Jane!
Hang those curtains and I'll finally get myself organised!
hahahaha at last you realised you needed some curtains xD
Happy New Year!
Happy new year!
And well need some help with curtains?
good resolution! i should do the same.
happy 2010!
No resolution ;) that's mine, every year !!!
I wish you a happy, peaceful and creative year Jane !
Big hugsss !
Gosh... resolutions? We had so many from last year that never got accomplished that this year we vowed to not make any! Maybe we'll tackle the leftovers from 2009...
No resolutions here.
I wish you a fantastic new curtain year.
Happy New Year Jane! I wish you all the best for 2010, to you and your family!
I should probably do the same with Oxford... in which case, what do I do with the flat in Salamanca? I'll think about it tomorrow! :)
Hi there. Thanks for stopping by my blog. In celebration of your visit, I've tagged you for revealing your 5 highlights of 2009. Hope you'll let us know. Happy 2010.
Happy New Year Jane!
I have really enjoyed getting to know you this year. Your blog is one of my favorites! it's beautiful and fun and always gives me something to think or smile about.
Here's to a great 2010!
No resolutions for me, but I loved yours!
happy new year !!! and I'm still thinking about my resolution !!!
I usually don't make resolutions, but I have this year: to entertain a little more. Okay -- a lot more. We used to but really have gotten away from it. When we had some people over on Christmas Eve, I realized how much I miss it.
;-))) after 10 years, it is time for curtains.
happy 2010 sweet Jane.
happy new year jane! no resolutions here, other than my mantra "keep on truckin'"...
fELIZ aÑO GUAPA.... y España no está tan mal no?
Besos gordos para ti también!1
I know this temporary-turning-into-not-that-temporary-at-all-feeling too well! Does this mean I need to start looking for curtains too? We still don't have any neither...
Wishing you and your family the very best for the New Year!
xo, Pascale
I know it's cliche. But diet. Gotta get rid of these extra 60 pounds that somehow found their way onto my body after I got married.
i resolve to simplify!!!
Hola! Vengo a visitar tu blog de vez en cuando, y me encantan tu fotos... me recuerdan mis 3 años pasados en este pais que me encanta! Aprovecho este nuevo ano para dejarte mi primer comment... y desearte un feliz ano 2010 lleno de todas estas cosas bonitas!
Stéphanie from Paris
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