When I was a little girl, my dad would make jam omelettes for me. Yup... you read right... eggs with jam. (Grape was my favorite.) To this day I still crave them. But I can´t seem to convince my kids...
Any "strange" food combinations you´d like to share?
Happy weekend!
Not really...just english "Bovril" sauce in my soup.
Have a great weekend!
Bi muxu
Hmm. My childhood favourite was - no, is - french fries dipped in vanilla sundae. I must confess, I was a MacDonald's kid...
A sandwich with cheese and honey on it, and ham on top. That was my favorite breakfast as a child. :-))
hmmmmm, whip cream on just about anything. i'm convinced it has an addictive chemical in it.
happy weekend
I totally understand cause I am also the girl of strange combination foods!
My friends always make fun of me. ;-)
I love to drink tea with warm foods. I love to eat yogurt with soup... should I continue?! :p
As a child I liked vinegar on my sheppards pie! Now I like to eat crisps and chocolate or nuts at the same time - nice sweet /salty combination. Have a great weekend.
I don't know if it's weird but I eat bananas with bread... Something I have always seen my father do.
I am sure eggs with jam is delicious!
Beautiful photo.
Oh this reminds me of something my brother and I loved eating as kids but will never convince my kids neither :( We used to slice up a banana get a couple of slices of maltese bread, spread butter place the banana and there you have it a banana sandwich!! yummy :)
Ok, so eggs with jam, hmm, can't picture it.... and it does make me wonder how it was first invented too!
My best flavour combo is date & apple sandwiches! Or I can be completely Australian and say Vegemite & Cheese sandwiches!
And :-)) mashed potatoes with vinaigrette :-)
salami (salchichón) and chocolate in a bread roll for merienda. unbeatable !!!
yoghurt with fresh orange juice!
jam omelettes.. they sound strange but still quite good! The strangest food combination I like must be cheese with ketchup.. It's really good!
i love the jam omelette. how about peanut butter & jelly & pickles. ewww! enjoy your weekend!
Vegemite and advocado on crumpets is my dad's favourite, and now it's mine too :)
dipping wendy's french fries into wendy's frostys. perfect combo of salty/sweet and hot/cold, plus chocolate!
My Dad mixed up mayonaise and scrambled eggs. Not real mayonaise, but "Miracle Whip"
I loved it then, but just thinking about it now makes me gag. I'm not too crazy about eggs anymore.
(Weh-uh! weh-uh! weh-uh!) <--gag sound
Hmm, for some reason that actually sounds great!
BLT's without the L or T, and add cheese. Yum!
Have a great weekend. We're getting a BIG snowstorm here in the Philly area tonight! Yippee!
Pasta with sugar. When I was little and even today.
in the Province of Quebec the strange food combination is called poutine, french fries with a canadian cheese and a brown sauce...You should try it one day, that cappuccino looks fabulous!!!!
My dad mixes jam into vanilla icecream. I am not a fan of this though.
Well I don't know how unusual it is but a peanut butter, banana and honey sandwich sometimes hits the spot. AH yes and then there is what my parents used to do all the time, add cottage cheese to everything (method of quickly cooling food off for four hungry kids I now realise). So I thought for example that split pea soup was suppose to have cottage cheese in it, same with brown rice.
"arepa" wirh ketchup... yummy!
I have eaten many peanut butter and pickle sandwiches in my life, because it was my little sister's favorite food when we were growing up. At her nursery school they always set out a bowl of sliced dill pickles and a bowl of peanut butter as condiments at lunchtime. If she didn't like the regular food that was being served, she'd use the pickles and peanut butter to make a sandwich. Pretty soon she started asking for those sandwiches at home, too.
I love galletas marÃa with youghourt, but I think that's not as weird as your omelette xD
My dad loves tu put mayonnaise even in his soup!
pancakes with cheese and syrup, mayonaise with apple sauce, as kids we loved to make dough to eat it just like that :)
My dad is the king of concoctions. He would put the strangest things together when he would make us food on the weekends, while my mom was at work.
My favorite is macaroni and cheese with tuna fish.
White rice and ketchup. Crazy delicious!
my fav "strange" combination is cajeta (dulce de leche) with mexican corn tortilla, that means a taco de cajeta!
I don't know...for me a lot seems normal, but then people start asking me what on heaven's earth I'm eating. So, I think my list would be too long. But if I should share one that almost made a friend of mine (here in Italy) retch, would be; French fries + mayonaise + peanutbutter sauce and dash of tomato ketchup. In Holland this combination even has a official name. It's TASTY!!! Now I'm hungry again.
lentils with cheese!
i`ve love seen the faces of people looking at me when i put kilos of cheese in my lentils plate!
have a nice w-end.
toast with strawberry jam and cheese. Those combination are goooooood :D
I've seen [and eaten] eggs with jam - it's tasty!
I prefer fried eggs with soy sauce - so yummy!
Now that is a weird one! Kids usually give into weird combinations...maybe they;ll come up with their own!
we had a big snowfall last night, and after i took my oldest to school this morning i found a box of sugar cones scattered on the back deck. while i was getting ready, apparently she was outside packing those ice cream cones full of snow.
buttered noodles with worcestershire sauce - yum!
There was a little cafe in Georgia that I ate at when I was small - the doctor for whom my mother worked used to take me there for lunch sometime and they had the most wonderful bacon, pimento cheese and pineapple sandwiches.
Well I get a handful of salted peanuts and drop them in a bottle of coca cola, then drink and eat it down. Don't knock it unless you have tried it :)
When I was a kid I mixed peanuts with butter to make peanut butter.
Didn't work very well.
I love pancakes with peanut butter and maple syrup on top. Delicious! It is fun to read all of these interesting food combinations! :)
I love an avocado and cheese sando with whole wheat bread. You can add sprouts if you like and mayo too. I would get teased for this "hippie" chow at school- the kids had no idea what they were missing.
I also love to have a pancake sandwich when we go out to eat breakfast- pancake, fried egg (over easy) and bacon. top with syrup and you are in... hmmmm, I think I am getting HUNGRY!
I am starting to feel a little funny reading this post!
However, I am completely down with the French fries dipped in chocolate sundays and basically avocado and anything is fabulous.
Pizza dipped in Ranch? mmm.
you are so cute!
...can i say...that i actually heard someone say they loved the same as a chld...;))
Ribs with a glass of milk. YUM! :)
my daughter (8) makes very strange sandwiches. like peanut butter, marmite, grated cheese and sprinkles of those little hundreds and thousands balls. she loves that sandwich.
I love camembert and a square of black chocolate......
Great coffe picture
... some Camembert on a vegetable soup !!! Miam ; )
Hi Jane, thank you so much for your sweet comment about my blog's birthday. I do love yours too. I shall comment more.
lovely week end to you
I don't really have any, though I am known to go from eating broccoli to a pbj in one sitting...sweet then savory, make sense to me!
besos and happy weekend Jane!
I love sweet eggs, japanse ones.
And pear with chillisauce
;-) oh never taste that.
I like a thing form the netherlands (is that right?)
Bread + butter + cheese (gouda) + JAM ;-))) for breakfast of course
see you!
well, probably a lot :) i like eating licorice with a glass of milk, hard roasted onions and remoulade (kind of a yellow pickle spread in denmark) with liver pate on rye bread (any danish out there will know what i'm talking about - even if they think it sounds awful :). i can eat cheese with almost everything and have a thing with cold dairy (youghurt, cream cheese, sour cream) served with hot meals, soups, vegetables, stews.
but what i get most comments about is that i can crave something - even if it's not the "right" time. like chicken leftovers in the morning etc.
Ah are those similar to crepes suzette(flat tortillas) either with jam or with lemon and sugar, my daughter loves them.
rye bread with liver pate (from a pig), mayo and roasted onions. Though I don't think people in Denmark would consider that to be a too odd combination!
I put fish sauce in my spagetti. I love it.
I can't think of anything quite that weird. BUT my Dad used to make a "spaghetti sauce" that involved ground beef and ketchup. It sounds repulsive be we all really liked it. I can still taste it through sense memory. I think it was kind of like sloppy joes but on pasta instead of bread. Weird.
i think banana omelets are pretty good :)
Pasta with Ketchup. Personally, I like it!
Hope you are having a great weekend!!
Where I'm from, there's a sausage-like treat called "boudin." It often has rice and small pieces of meat (pork or chicken) in it along with seasonings and is served in a casing like sausage is. It's delicious served piping hot, and you can buy it in links. A girlfriend suggested I try it with syrup, and I told her she was gross. She finally convinced me, though, and it's absolutely delicious!
Oh! And white rice with soy sauce is delicious, but not that weird to people in Hawaii. I also used to love oatmeal pies with M&Ms stuffed into the cream-- heart attack in your hands, but SO good :)
French fries and chantilly cream... The taste ?... the one of churros... Have a nice sunday
My strange combination would be cheese with fruits and fresh cream with maple syrup with pancakes! And generally, any sweet/salty combination!
When I was a little girl I saw my sister putting sugar on a hard taco shell. I thought she was a bit crazy so I tried it myself. Taco shell, sour cream and a bit of sprinkled sugar on top. It was so good, I still eat them to this day!
Although, when my sister saw what I was eating she couldn't help but laugh. Apparently she had put butter instead of the sour cream!
Seriously, everybody should trie this concoction. It is splendid.
My mother always made us what we called jelly roll omelettes when we were kids. In fact, I made them for my children when they were babies, but I've completely forgotten about them until now! Thanks for the reminder, and I think I know what to prepare in the morning for breakfast!
i don't think this is strange but I love mangos with hot sauce and salt. or cucumbers with hot sauce, lemon and salt. oh and when I eat a mango I have to be along because I love them so much I get them all over my face trying to enjoy every little bit.
Ha ha amazing - never heard about that dish!
Pancake with "vache qui rit".... Frisuelos con vaca que rie! Yummy!!'
In Menorca people eat grape with a stong cheese.
To victoria Hybiscus
In Menorca; a Canadien girl friend had teach me vinaiger can be use in many ways.
hi jane
i love to eat jam and eggs. i think this is a great combination.
there's a fruit called siriguela here in brazil and i like to eat them when they are still green with salt. everybody think that's weird
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