I took these with a borrowed Canon. Still can´t decide between the Canon and the Nikon....
Carnivals are this weekend. Hopefully I´ll be able to capture some of the craziness for you.
Have a great weekend!
"It's hard convincing yourself that where you are at the moment is your home, and it's not always where your heart is. Sometimes I win and sometimes not." -- Jonathan Carroll
I love The photo's the sony 350 makes but take most of my own shots with the small, easy to take with me, G10 Canon.
haha, or with the telephone to keep my friend in Spain updated. :)
love you Jane.
Love the wall of wood! Wonderful pictures, as usual!
#2! #3! no wait, #4!
i. can't. decide....
amazing shoots, Nikkon or Cannon, whatever you always take the best!
is weekend there already? lucky you!!
enjoy your weekend
gorgeous gorgeous, especially the two of trees on hills
decisions, decisions!
Love # 2 and # 4 today. Looking forward to the Carnival photos.
It's Carnival here too. I would love to see photos of carnival in Spain. My favourite has to be the one in Venice though with all the grand costumes. Your pictures are absolutely lovely.
gasp! oh they are amazing!
i have been looking at getting a dSLR (finally) and can't decide between nikon and canon either.... wish we both could just get both ;)
enjoy the carneval!
I can't give any opinion. I just know that I want to see this sky and this light with my own eyes....
Happy Carnivalsweekend! We have a little carnivalparty at school tomorrow and after that we stay inside with a bunch of movies ;-)
Great photos. You just keep getting better and better. We have a political storm here which is growing.
so beautiful!
oh the carnivals.. i'm pretty excited, never have been to one before. but this weekend cadiz:)
I'm tired of looking at the bare twigs and branches (in real life), but in your pictures they are so, so lovely.
whatever you shoot with it's great. the second and the last ones tickle my eyelids!
Yes! I would really love to see the Spanish version if Carnaval. In the meanwhile, these are beautiful and calming photos today - so serene. Love them... x
cool pics don't forget Pentax!
Are you getting a new camera?
Have a fun this weekend! xo
woke up to thunder and lightning this morning ... have a great carnival :)
Ahh, great pics. I feel relaxed just looking at them!
the 3rd photo of the tree in front of the old house is so pretty. the title and image reminds me of the movie i saw this week 'the tree'.
have a good weekend, jane!
I never tried a Cannon! Happy weekend!
this is just beautiful.
happy weekend.
Fabulously serene shots!
I love Canon...
this is so peaceful !! Missing you a lot on the corners !!!! Have a lovely w-e !
Great atmospheric set of photos. How did it feel using a borrowed camera? Did it give you a new perspective?
have fun!
Lovely photos.
Still playing with the new Canon. We're getting to know each other.
Whoa, that last picture is amazing!!! And you took it on a borrowed camera. Wow.
Have a blast at Carnival.
xo jj
your photos look so real i tried to touch them. but alas, i could not. you tease! anyway, canon schmanon nikon schmikon. you could use a sponge bob disposable camera and your pictures would still look fabulous.
ah! superb as always! looking forward for the carnival photos!
Love these! There's always something so exciting about a storm coming...
we have a lot of craziness going on up here, love. i shall look forward to your impressions, luckily they come without the noise... ha ha ha...
you've captures winter smoothly, and i wouldn't be able to choose between either (cameras) since i'm a technical zero anyway... as long as it shoots. ahem.
Canon or Nikon, these photos are beautiful !
Have a nice Sunday Jane
Such good natural meditation.
I love how the sky in the first shot sets the mood for the rest. Your images always tell a story and you're so good at setting the right order.
that last one doesn't even look REAL. so gorgeous, jane. and so inspiring!
your photos are always so beautiful! I really like the first one.
come here from Malaysia
Canon or nikon? it's like Mac or Pc, both have great feature..it's a matter of taste,that's it.
it's not the camera who makes the photographer..i'm sure you will make happen anyway..
looking forward your next post
I'm thinking a shoe box with a hole in it wood yield you amazing photos.
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