21 November 2011


Some Sunday afternoon beautifulness to say thank you for your sweet comments on my last post. You know how to make a couple of girls smile! Sending you all big hugs my friends!


la ninja said...

oh wow.

and... who is the little tadpole on the last one? totally digging it, like :)

liza said...

These are so beautiful. That last one is wild... and a bit spooky for the claustrophobic in me!

Unknown said...

Lovely photos of the beaches...the last looks like an alien! :)

un arc-en-ciel dans le lavabo said...

all this is making the water girl in me VERY happy !
the last one is real cute :)

Maia said...

Wow, look at that surf! gorgeous!

Pierre BOYER said...

Marvelous waves...
Greetings from France,


RosaMaría said...

lovely water photos, make me want to go to the beach and touch wet sand...

Kristin said...

It is beautifully situated on the sea. The high waves, the colors and the fresh air = fantastic.
What is that on the last picture?

Paco Sales said...

Unas preciosas fotografías marineras, un mar embravecido precioso. Un abrazo para ti

Zosia said...

I could sit by the ocean or the sea for hours. Love the photo with the guy fishing.

Miren Iriondo Photographie said...


aimee said...

oh, that last! how did you do it?!

p.s. will you be in philly over the holidays? i'll be there for a few days.

Holli said...

Just absolutely beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

impressive waves and what is that on the last one??

Paco said...

La verdad es que son valientes.


Kari said...

liking them all.

Don said...

The beautiful sea- I think everyone is drawn to it.

Deniz said...

wow! love them! all of them--- adore the last one..but they all make me very very happy indeed.
Now if the weather could play game and behave like the season its supposed to be, i might be able to go to the beach myself ;)

likeschocolate said...

I ditto everyone else in that I love the ocean . That last photo is very interesting -almost alien like or is it a frog?

Isabelle said...

amazing sky and the last picture seems to be from an other world ... happy week end !!


I knew a girl who was blue. So she painted her world pink. xoxo