04 March 2012

are you there blogger? it´s me, jane.

Is anyone else having problems with Blogger? I´m tempted to look for new digs...
On a lighter note. Some details from a sunny walk around the medieval part of town. Hope you had a lovely weekend!


wood & wool stool said...

Hej Jane! I'm here and I can always see your lovely pictures, but sometimes can't comment on it. (that's a blogger problem?) Xx Ingrid

Purple Flowers said...

Hi Jane: Blogger is alright on my side. As usual, I love your photographs. They speak volumes.

Reyes said...

Yes!!! Many, many problems, the worst one being that I can not always leave a comment, which sucks! (I do not think I have used the word "sucks" since I was a teenager, but I find it describes the situation beautifully ;-) Love the photos. Besos XXX

mart a. grisberenjena said...

uyyy si yo te contara!...incluso sin poder publicar varios días..al final se solucionó, pero hay gente a quien se le han borrado fotografías de antiguas entradas y otros problemas diversos...
mart a.
(tus fotos increibles, como siempre!)

Rie said...

Oh no! What probs are you having with blogger? Remember to back-up your blog, especially if you're having problems - I put a tut on my blog about a week ago for that. (I'd never ever backed up my blog before last week!!)

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

I love your photos & your blog! I have had a few problems with comments on blogger but nothing major..... hope you don't go!

Anonymous said...

It is said, that food keeps body, mind and soul together.
The pictures are a joy for the senses.

daily athens photo

Luis Gomez said...

Great shots!

likeschocolate said...

I did for a few weeks, but now I have fixed the problem. It wouldn't let me upload saying that my cache was full. I finally figured out that I had to go into the tool box and delete browsing history . Hope you can work out the problem. Happy weekend!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Blogger's been having its way with me too. I was logging on via Safari and finally switched to FoxFire and it worked much better. Hope that helps.
xoxo jj

liza said...

These are so beautiful, Jane. You have such talent.

Pierre BOYER said...

Lovely walk...
Best regards,


Rocio said...

¡Qué bonitas Jane!
I love the last one of the balcony!!
I am not a great user of blogger, so I cannot say....but I hope the problem solves pronto!!!

Juliette said...

I think Blogger's been funky since the switch over to the new design/March 1 privacy policy. So far so good for me, but I don't like not being able to subscribe to comments anymore. Wordpress has long tempted me though.

flowtops said...

No problems here (Firefox).

I love the medieval bits of small towns and big cities.

Too often there's only post-war ugliness.


Zosia said...

Hi Jane, lovely walk. As for blogger, I've been having problems with sharing blogger links on Facebook. In the past, the link included one photo, now Facebook allows only the link without the photo (as of last week), don't know if it's temporary or permanent.
Hugs from Warsaw.

Cobalt Violet said...

I was trying to set a blog for my mom and was having trouble but I have an old setup and am fine. I am afraid to switch! -And I am so computer illiterate .. I don't know how to back it up.

Anyway ... Beautiful photos!!!

Francesca said...

WordPress? I've been toying with the idea to move there, but the mere thought of exporting my blog paralyzes me. Ciao!

Anonymous said...

I have quite a lot of problems leaving comments on blogger blogs when you have to type the code letters and it won't accept this when I use my wordpress profile. I have not had time to figure out yet whether it is blogger or wordpress causing it.

Love your feb. series :)

Anne said...

no blogger problems here...
lovely walk, lovely details!

Deniz said...

i havent been round very often lately- got my nose stuck on some porcelain most of the time these days- no problems on my end with blogger though
hope you well otherwise! love the photos been enjoying your february post so so so much

Anonymous said...

yes! lots of problems with blogger. uggg! i've been considering moving as well.

Holli said...

Oh these are beautiful. I just love your photos so much.... they make me smile!

lechow said...

totally gorgeous. and can I have one of those chocolates PLEASE?? xo

Ian said...

Your photos just keep getting better and better, Jane.

epe said...

un placer para los ojos pasarse por aquí, siempre.

epe / casablock

Angie Muresan said...

Such beautiful images, Jane. I wish I lived in that lovely old town.
Sorry about Blogger. I'm with Word Press and I love it!

Nancy Baric *negfilm said...

love your photos as usual!!! (oh and i remember that that judy bloom book!) xxn

nadine paduart said...

one phrase;
must visit your town then, hey?

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter from Savannah! Hope you are well. Beautiful photos!


I knew a girl who was blue. So she painted her world pink. xoxo