I wanted to find some "pretty" vending machines to show you.... but it was impossible. Just a few years ago you could only find vending machines in airports and hospitals. Now they are popping up on every street corner selling everything from pizzas to coffee. Can you say "cheap date?"... Thanks JGY for this fun idea!
Next week is Corner View´s one year anniversary! To mark this milestone I thought we could repost one of our favorite themes from the past year.
Happy Corner Viewing!
Cool vending machines. I know what you mean, I've yet to see a pretty one. Maybe today, on CV! Can't believe next year is the 1 year anniversary - wow!!! Have a fun day!
you know what? the thought of a hot dog from a vending machine is kind of freaking me out on several levels, jane. i am not going to lie. but i do love the great graphic that goes with that vending machine.
and woo hoo! one year! xoxo
Really? With pizzas, can't be good. This collection makes me hungry though :)
a hot dog vending machine?
worse than mine, that one. mine are at least, "freshly" fried goods (bads?) ;)
a reflection of lots of people's eating habits in some of the richest countries on earth... fucking weird but a good theme for a future anthropological study, I reckon.
but, hey, let's just travel a bit now.
what's that last one selling, btw?
I have failed miserably on the vending machine front - I too can't find any aesthetically pleasing ones and am loathed to post a picture of the office coke machine!!
Look forward to seeing everyone's favourites next week!
Love the last one!
My kids love vending machines, Rover (5) thinks little man push the softdrinks out of the machines.
And repost an favourite, that's gonna be a hard one ;-)
ha! "pretty" vending machines? I don't think that exists :) At least the hot dog one is colorful and somewhat cartoonic! :)
I am really trying to stay away... there's nothing good to be found in any vending machine on earth... I visualize calories and fat and junk and walk away ... snivelling a little but I walk away.
vw..fally... it may as well say fatty
Congrats on the one year anniversary of corner view. It is such a good idea and there have been so many interesting ideas.
hot dogs in a vending machine? that souns crazy and hugly and really can't be good...
Well- I might just have to repost this week's next week then! Love it- I'll take one of each of the chocolates! And the hotdog vendor- I'm game if you are? Is their a medicinal vendor next to it?
I love the hot dog guy! Happy almost anniversary!
Universal language of Vending machines! That first one looks like one I just saw in Tokyo:)
This looks like it will be a fun tour, thanks:))xo
I haven't found a pretty one but a healthy one! WOW a year already. xo
Oh my.....one year already?!
We should have a big party....emptying the vending machines. Or maybe not... ;-)
I will try to find a beauty of a vending machine. Keep your fingers crossed!
Big hug, Jeannette
We don't have any nice vending machines either. They are all junk geared towards kids and are only crazy chemical bomb foods/drinks. Yuk. Luckily, we rarely ever are near any. And a hot dog from a machine? Ewwww - that is, um...
Vending machines with hot dogs??That's just too scary!;)Hugs, sweet Jane!
Such an excited hot dog maker! Can you image eating that? Oy vey :^)
I love the first one...all that sweet candy. But pizza looks for me the most nice one!! I love pizza! Specially the one that is soft and with a lot's of vegetables. I hope whe get them to ...
The only thing I can possibly eat from a vending machine is a candy bar or a bag of potato chips. Cannot imagine pizza or hot dogs, or burgers. Cheap date indeed!
One year anniversary already? You've got an amazing idea with Corner View, thanx again!
Very cool. Wow, one year. That's just crazy how fast time flies!
Is that a hotdog vending machine?? eek!
This has been a tough one for me, as we don't have them here. so I had to use some ingenuity.
I l.o.v.e the one with the little chef roasting a hot dog while sitting on the change door :>) (at least I think that's where the change returns-- perhaps he "poops" out coins. Ewwww.)
The vending machine project wasn't difficult because I know exactly where to find them (that is, if I wanted to buy anything). Mine are not pretty or very interesting; they are colorful though.
i like the coin icon in the last one - just in case you'd had too much to drink and want to try bottle caps instead! (!!!)
p.s. i'm with cate.
I think its quite impossible to show a pretty vending machine ;)
Have a nice week... Read you soon to celebrate the CV anniversary
We're still back in the ages of vending machines in hospitals, mainly! One year? Wow & thank you!
Jane you're such a good (young) entepreneur, look what tou've done with Corner View! Now there's a lot of people following your themes every week and taking pictures just because of this beautiful idea!
If I had more time and a good camera I would join you all!
I think it's quite difficult to find something nice or beautiful in vending machines, I don't like them, I prefer people to sell things.
Big hugs :)
I like these. They're definitely better looking than the ones we have here!!
I like the repost idea. Happy anniversary Corner View! What a great idea you had, Jane, and so very many people participate now!
I despise vending machines especially the ones that sell cigarettes. Yuck! I don't think there is such a thing as a pretty vending machine.
Very fun! I had nothing! I missed the shot of the m&m vending machine at the top of Vail. Perhaps I can get it for next week!
A vending machine with Chips Ahoy! That's my kind of machine :-)
Congrats on 1 year Jane. I love CV! For this post I went south into a rambling story. Hang on to your hats.
I'm always leery of sandwiches in vending machines!
Yes, don't know why vending machines arn't best designers success! JGY had some nice colored ones, though!
I love the book vending machines, have you seen it? It's lovely!
Happy Corner View Birthday! When I was little my favorite vending machine was one that made pop-corn! I thought it was like something from the future! Besos y feliz cumple-blog!
maybe they don't look that good, but you have a way to make this post fun, that's what you do!!!
I, too, am intrigued by the hot dog vending idea. And the top photo makes me want to grab some quarters and go get a chocolate bar.
I actually remembered to post today. Go figure.
conratulations on the one year anniversary !!
I didn't get to participate this week due to lack of time to go to town (we live in the countryside) & shoot, but I'm enjoying other participants' pictures !
see you next week ;)
Never thought I'd see the words 'vending machines' and 'pretty' in the same sentence!
Your vending machines are great! I didn't imagine they exist except the 1st one. Mine is more usual and useful if you understand how it works.
Nice idea for next week :-)
A pretty vending machine ... that is difficult, I think. And a hot dog machine is freaking me out too :)
Wow for 1 year already!
Vending machines that sell pizza? I haven't seen one of those before.
Normally these machines take my money and fail to produce the goods!
Oh how I love seeing Maltesers in vending machines....I always stop at them in Heathrow when we visit Matt's family. Yum.
a few days ago i saw a vending machine with a raider... i was faszinated, because now it is usually called twix. it is a pity, but i didn`t have my photo-camera with me...
What a fun post - I like your shots of the vending machines :) and I'm pretty careful when it comes to buying things that come from vending machines - I won't get anything that isn't wrapped in plastic and unable to expire anytime soon :)
I really like the vending machines in Japan ( and the toilets ) - I didn't get pictures of the vending machines but I did of the toilets - they were amazing!
aw, MAN! if this wasn't the best corner view theme ever! who chose this? i want to shake that person's hand. my favorite vending machine story comes from a friend who was having a crappy time during finals in her college days, and out of desperation went to the vending machine in her dorm to get a snickers in hopes of a lift. but when she hit the button it shot out two packages of chuckles at her instead, which, understandably, made her burst into tears. and the rest of her week continued on that note.
pizza from a vending machine... sounds more like a really icky date :)
one year of cv.... it feels like it was only yesterday :)
cool corner! great photos!
vending machines are popping up everywhere. I've seen coffee but not pizza - that is interesting.
Well done to CV for going strong for a year. Awesome!
happy weekend.
OH! A scarf - good luck and let me know if you need any tips (are you just learning to knit??)
they really are cool! and there really is nothing pretty about vending machines, they are one of the least sophisticated things in the world, which really is a part of their charm
I'm sorry I missed Corner View this week. We were staying in a tent, so sadly had no internet, but there was a near-by vending machine that I did use. I purchased a can of tea that came out of the machine with a tiny hole in the side of the can, so it sprayed tea at me. I don't think I'd try hot dogs from a machine.
Hey Jane- I haven't ignored your email- our server did an upgrade and I haven't been able to send emails- as soon as I can I write back. Have a good weekend. xo
Pizza? Now that would need to be REALLY pretty to get me to "go" there!
very cool vending machines- can you believe that i couldnt find one?!
1 year anniversary-- very impressive!
enjoy your weekend
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