I´ve got nothing.... I wish I were one of those people that could look at an empty egg carton and think up a hundred uses for it. Not me. I think, "great egg holder..." The extent of my resourcefulness is reusing glass jars for homemade tomato sauce or jam. And when I really want to color outside the lines.... to hold bobbins...
Thanks Francesca for this great idea. I have a feeling I´m about to learn a lot! Next week´s theme comes from Theresa and it´s, "wisdom from an elder".
Happy Corner View!
P.S. I haven´t been home much lately. Hopefully, I´ll be able to catch up with you by the weekend. ¡Dos besos!
Familiar use, yes I found this corner view a little hard. I must be out of practice - thinking outside the box. Look forward to see the others interpretations!
you got me smiling here
You made me laught... again "oh what a great egg holder..." Oh Jane... I loved this theme.
3 besos
just have to laught... i like your filled glas ;-)
I'm like Kaylosvintage ! I'm smiling ! Have a nice day Jane...
A mail soon !
hi Jane! I do not feel so bad anymore... yes an egg holder is an egg holder no matter which side you place it or hang it or whatever! thanks for the smiles.
at least...
you have a great picure..!
happy [learning] day jane!
Happy days for you, dear Jane!
We are collectors, and children always find other things in things, that so amazing!
Today we choose our special toiletpaperholder ;-)
Oh thank you Jane!
I feel less alone.
I don't think that i repurpose any thing.
Great photo as always!
honey buns, you got us all here sharing once a week so, hey, bobbins on a yoghourt jar is more than fine... you're doing more than enough repurposing all these stray cats from all over the interwebs (no offence to anyone ;)
plus I like that pic. a lot. a "great egg holder" shot would have been a riot too.
Yeah, I had the same trouble. I must be more eco-friendly and make lampshades from old buckets or something.
I'll like to return to Corner View.
How do we join in? Are you adding a McLinky?
Thanks :)
Me too ... But I love this little pot with this bobbins ! Beautiful color and beautiful spirit !
Have a nice day Lovely Jane !
Hmmmmm..... but the picture is great!!
have a great day jane :-)
Not bad... I really went "out there" on this one!!!
I actually love to use things for different purposes but didn't have the time or energy to go around snapping them!!!
Happy Wednesday!!!!!!!
I don't have enough imagination to find a new life for objects but my children do!
Your bobbin holder may be simple, but it works. It's a perfect way to keep all those colorful bobbins from becoming pet toys on the floor.
My cake plate, last week, was really a better repurposed item than the one I chose this week, but I've had sewing on the brain all week, so mine is also full of colorful threads.
ha! at least, i'm not the only one!
Even though you're not great at finding new uses for things you're very good in taking photos! Have a great week:)
Your picture is so great and it meets Francesca's theme perfectly, but I'm not ready yet, in fact I'm not sure when I'll be ready. And next week's theme whoa, talking about struggle:) Loving it though.
I dont think it's that bad...Is it...?! (than shame on me as well... I love repurposig jars...)
I couldn't believe it, but I made it!:)
hahahahaha! you have something reusing that glass jars!! have a great day!
No resourcefulness? I don't believe it! Happy day, Jane!
Sounds like you are like me! I love the shape of the jar!
I always use DANONE glass jars to put candles in them.
My sister and I sometimes colour them with colours and it makes light look amazing.
I like repurposing as it is the best way going to greener world:) But unrepurposeable thing is those boring junk+spam mails;)
I'm great at reusing jars, suitcases etc. just for storing purposes. I'm quite relieved to find that I'm not the only one in this ;-)
So, now the Manneke Pis candy jar is empty??!! Picture and text is way too funny, XXX, C.
I'm at home today for there is a blizzard here. I'm going to look around for something repurposed to post.
Oui, chez moi aussi, je m'en sers comme range-tout...
So you must be a straight thinker. That's okay! You're probably not one to hoard things, thinking you can use them for something else. That means less clutter for you! {smile}
You did good Miss Jane! The bobbin jar - tre bien! I have the opposite problem... once I collected over 20 Quaker Oat containers (we eat a lot of oatmeal) because I could not see just throwing them away, so I advertised them on Craigs List as freebies. I had plenty of takers... Good for kids art projects. Though sadly now I've been throwing them away... Too much clutter also makes me crazy!
I must admit what a hard task! You got me!
Have a nice day!
Lol! But what a beautiful way to store bobbins.
And yes, think of the clutter you're not keeping ;-)
Have a good week!
love this idea you had for a corner view challenge ! and to repurpose a danone glass jar is not bad ;-) after all glass objects are always pretty
; )
I like how you color out of the line! xo
Oh, but it's darling!
great photo and I like your bobbins.
p.s. the cv banner I'm using is something we used here for international day last year.
i collect things that seem garbage xDDD
ok, i´m your counterweight:) have garden furniture inside - even tried to get the big (ok huge), old, rusty garden swing inside- didn´t fit :(
i have difficulties in understanding the assumed purposes of things. and i don´t like routines. or at least like to break them.
Egg cartons are for eggs and jars are for holding stuff :)
Great theme - thanks Jane!
Repurposed glass jars are great! I kind of cheated and used one of sunnyboy's repurposing projects for my post. He has lots! Had I photographed my own repurposed items it would probably have been glass jars. :)
hey jane...i'm not much of a "repurpose" kinda person either, and i totally forgot about this weeks corner view :( but my blog post from a couple of days ago could actually qualify for next weeks :) so i guess maybe i'm a week ahead? hahaha
have a great week
You're so funny. I am not a re-purposer either, except Tupperware for toys... Ugly! At least yours is sweet!
you got me smiling here
Work From Home
I like your CV today even if you think it's not creative. Colorful thread always catches my attention! My grandmother gave me a small metal cigar box with bobbins in it - she was the ultimate repurposer.
@ la Ninja - I don't mind being considered a stray cat if it means that I get to share the company of other Corner View Cats. :>)
And a great egg holder it is! I think it was a pretty creative post. It can be hard but I think is was nice to think outside the box!
Thanks for the laughs!
OK, so add me to the cornerview list! I came up with one at the nnnnn-teeenth hour!
That was kinda fun. And check out my colors! They're the same as in my previous post! How does that happen.
Happy Wednesday!
Jane....I have been so bad lately with my Corner Views. Please please please forgive. But I will be a good Corner girl in two weeks after my stay in Holland. Scout´s honor!
You may not be the ´queen of repurpose´ but you are the queen of our little beehive. :)
Big hug, Jeannette
oh yes, i use canning jars for everything. but all of the quirky use for something else stuff in my home went away when my son became the crazy climber and has never been seen again. ;)
What's worse is that when I looked around my house my initial thought was, "But I don't have anything repurposed!" Then I realized we have all sorts of repurposed things, I just wasn't seeing them. Ah, perception.
i am so glad! i opted out this week.. because all i do is use glass jars for homemade mayo, jam or pickles... or as a storage container- oh and i do use plastic trays from fruits as colour pallettes!!
i am off to learn!
ps... your comment (on my blog) made me wonder if there is a phily in the 'old world' or if some american landed here...;)
ah, LOL.
i know that feeling...
It was very hard this week. But fortunately children are never short of ideas for using what's around them to play!
Have a good week :-)
You can also use an egg carton for holding Easter eggs, which is what I do. :)
I do the same thing with my jars- they all get reused! Hugs!!
Oy, I found this one difficult, too. Your post is darling, Jane!
My photo is up. For what it's worth. LOL
I'm the eternal repurposer...my Mum passed on this lovely yet 'clutterful' tendency to me! Old jars? Vases, pen holders, crepe paper & celophane fish tanks, pinecone holders, photo displays...I could go on!
i love jars and your honesty!
Mine isn't very exciting, either... But I loved the idea no less :)
i love your shot!! i use to repurpose my jam pots! mi corner view is on line!! besos lovely Jane!!
My darling Jane, how can you say that when you are so creative and talented! You can sew! You actually have bobbins! Besos guapa
i've always thought that egg cartons make great egg holders too! you are my kind of girl!
I'm big into jars too! :)
I love the picture!! Very pretty!!!
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