(visual aid)
First a little background. When Daniel is at home, he always walks around with just one sock or slipper on. (And one bare foot) He comes home, takes off his shoes... and one sock. So when I found a loan sock under the sofa I wasn´t surprised. I just stuck in my back pocket, to put in the laundry, when I had finished straightening up. Well, of course, I forgot about it. I went through the whole day with a sock hanging out of my back pocket.... supermarket, teacher´s meeting, and... well you get the idea....
Any embarrassing moments you´d like to share?...
P.S. I´ve opened an Etsy shop, pinestreetphoto, with some of my favorite prints. It´s named after the street I grew up on. All the streets in Philadelphia are named after trees. One more thing I love about my city.
¡Dos besos!
You're really funny, Jane! Your shop is full a beautiful photos, well done! Have a great weekend:)
Lovely photos Jane. Congratulations.
Yes I have an embarrassing moment. Aged 20, island hoping around Greece with 2 friends. At a ticket office booking onto the next ferry from Rhodes. I'm wearing a white vest with wide arm holes. Wondered why the booking clerk (young male Greek) wasn't looking up at me. I looked down and saw that my left breast had completely popped out of said t-shirt and was starring him in the face !!?? At least it was a young perky breast I suppose!
I love how he keeps one sock on! I already visited your shop- love it and added you to my etsy favorite.
Hmmmm... embarrassing moments where to begin!
One comes to mind when I was young thinking the sun didn't shine as bright as moi.
I worked at Ohare airport and between flights ran to the bathroom. Get the piture this was the busiest time of the day! I walked back to the gate through the crowds of people thinking I was so cool, slid my way back to my gate and stood behind the counter thinking I was cool as could be, when this man came up to my counter-
He: Miss you have some paper behind you
Me (with attitude): Excuse me?
He: You have paper behind you
Me(with same atttitude): What?
I turned around to look, thinking someone put a piece of paper on my podium, as I turned around to give the man another of my cocky looks, when I saw this white cloud of fluffy paper flying in the air.
I reached behind me and felt. I had my uniform jacket balled into my pants, with a roll of tp trailing behind me!!! Yes I tp the seat with a roll of tp before I sit.
I politely completed my turn towards him to thank him as I kept pulling the tp out of my pants trying to keep a straight face!
Have a heartfelt weekend my friend! xo
late night in the office, headphones on, singing along to an old Cranberries song in my Walkman (that dated me!) - you know the ones where there's a lot of repitition "oh, oh, oh, ohhhh oh, aww aww aw awwwaaah aw!" like that?
well, I thought I was alone.
the head boss-man tapped me on the shoulder.
wanted to DIE.
plus he scared me out of my wits!
i survived and nobody ever mentioned that event again! phew! still makes me cringe tho!
Such a sweet story!!!
Sweet story...great pics!
lol! Sunnyboy does the one sock thing as well. Why is that!?! :)
I've never gotten over it.......
When I was nursing my son, all that was available were round, absorbant pads to stuff in the bra to absorb stray leaking. Are you getting tense yet......
I worked midnights, and one summer night my co-worker and friend had convinced me when I came in as her relief from the afternoon shift, that we should take our kids to the amusement park about fifty miles away, in the morning when I got out of work. They were having a 'special' for emergency servive workers. FREE. Need I say more. Free admission, free rides. FOOD.
At 7 am it was a;ready hot, so I fed the kid, grabbed the four year old, stuffed pads in my bra and threw on a v-neck tank.
Needless to say I was exhausted from working all night so I spent a lot of time holding the balloons, pushing stollers and just trying to stay awake, while my friend ran around putting the older kids on the rides.
I began to notice people looking at me strangely. Chaulked it up to paranoia from sleep deprivation. Until my friend returned after a particularily long absence, and said, "How LONG have you been like this?"
Since last night, I'm TIRED>"
"No, how long has that nursing pad been crawling out of your shirt...."
Oh GAUD. It was nearly all the way out of my shirt.
I still have flash backs.
When my kids were teenagers it was me reminding them I was rebellious because I was traumatized when they were young....................
I'll take a sock in the back pocket pul-leese........ !
How exciting!! I have a feeling you're going to sell out quick!!
Love Daniel's style!
what a funny habit! Somehow I missed the fact you are born in 'Philly'. Great city!What a good idea to name your shop after the street you grew up in! embarassing stories? jep, more than I wish I had..
During the early days of having two boys...a toddler and a newborn, both nursing I had many sleepless nights and found myself out somewhere realizing my shirt was on backwards, or a button was open or something. Too tired to care, though. ;)
Today I found a beautiful peach in the mailbox. Thank you so much, Jane! I love it. Beautiful matt finish, lovely!!!
Go for screen printing, You could use your photograph as a base, I think it will be just fantastic!
Oh this really made me laugh!!! Very familiar story, will have to report back with a little more time, can't wait to see your shop!
Aw so happy to hear about Etsy shop, off to check it!
I've got dozens my dear, thought here's just one... About five years ago I was taking a morning French class. On the very last day of class I was in such a rush - I quickly made toast with jam (about 1/2" thick), scooped up my books, put the toast on top of my books and ran to the car. I got to class okay and took my final exam. When I went to hand in my paper I noticed I had a goopy jam print on the front of my black t-shirt! Luckily I had a jean jacket on that might have of obscured it a little - maybe??? One of my dingy-er moments!
Loooove your story!!! Made me giggle :^) Sisters?
Your etsy - I am going now! Congratulations!
Happy weekend Jane xoxo
Your boy is a cutie :)
Mmm I have LOTS of embarassing moments but one of the most was when I was walking by my village streets with my friends and I saw a car that looked exactly like my mom's.So I began dancing and clapping just like flamenco dancers do (please don't ask why, I don't even know the answer) and screaming Ole mamá...
and of course, it wasn't my mom, it was a man who stared at me as if he had seen someone doing something pretty ridiculous...because that's right what he saw!
Congratulations on your shop! And, no, I do not want to share any embarrassing moments!
But I laugh at the one bare foot - yesterday, Eddie and I were changing to swim after his school day and we giggled that he was missing a sock, which was in his pant pocket. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
My story: far worse!
I live on Coronado Island where everyone bikes around to to beach, store, library, post office, etc. One day after work I rode to the beach, but being winter, It gets dark early. I'm too cheap to invest in a bike lights, so I have a headlamp I put on an a flashing red light I clip to my back belt loop. (You can see this coming, can't you?)
Shortly after my ride, a friend came over and we headed to the movie theater. As I was LEAVING the theatre, I noticed a pulsating red glow around. Yeah. It was me. That friend is in dire peril of becoming NOT a friend. Though she claimed to have tried to say something.
that´s a funny story;-)!
It´s really difficult to decide which photo is my favourite in your shop...I think I would pick up all of them;-)!
and yes..you are welcome to dream with me;-)!
stay warm too:-)
Thanks, It´s make me happy!
i love that story and think it's so endearing. well, when i get home, i take off my pants to change them. sometimes, it takes quite a while to put the next pair on ;). your shop sounds great, i will visit you and enjoy your weekend!
funny history! felicidades for the shop and my best great wishes for it! your photos are so amazing!!
Oh I have too many embarrassing moments. They seem to happen weekly! Thanks for the funny story. Can't wait to check out your etsy site! Have a great weekend Jane. xo Caitlin
I thought today's post would be about the snow in Vitoria (saw it in the news today) Ummm so many embarrassing moments in my life, many of them involving my mum and her (limited) english speaking skills. Love the shop (I actually saw it the other day, I noticed the esty link in the last post), Besos and enjoy the snow!
I am sitting here shouting at the screen looking at 'pine street'
'How wonderful Jane!!' :)
will drink some wiskey on your health.:)
...walked directly into a sign while not paying attention to where I was walking at the mall (ew, the mall)!
Congrats on your Etsy shop. You take great photos!
Ohhh what a laugh!
I have done something even more embarrasing, but I do not have the vocabulary to explain in english...
about damn time! HEARTED! :)
about the socks? well, i couldn't find my daughter's mittens the other day. she giggled and showed me her feet. she was wearing them as socks...
Congratulatios Jane!
Congratulations on your shop!!!
An embarassing moment I still remember as a child my sister and I were changing into our costumes for a ballet recital and somehow or other were mistakenly in the boys dressing room. I remember the color of the tutus was pink and green and that we were already in them when we discovered the mistake!!
I probably do embarassing things almost daily in my life in Japan,
Have a great weekend
congratulations on your new shop! Looking good!
That sounds like something that would happen to me. I'm notorious for leaving name tags on for hours after a meeting or event. Once in high school I was walking home and became very freaked out by the number of strangers saying "hi Kate!" Wise asses...
LOVE the new shop!
A moment that was not really mine... but, two years ago, I met a friend in the station , waiting for the train, having her slippers... ;)
Congrats to your Etsy..made a ♥ to the 'Amsterdam Bike'! Good Luck and have a happy Valentine!//Eva
That's so funny about Daniel's one sock habit! And I can just see you going around all day with a sock in your back pocket!
LOVE the shop! You did a great job! How is it going? The photos, not surprisingly, are beautiful!
Have a great weekend~
You lived on Pine??? My HS chem teacher lived at 1826!
Two incidents come to mind:
1. We had a cloudburst once as I left work at 4th and Walnut. I was soaked and dripping when I got on the El that took me to 69th Street where I would pick up a trolley and where the sun was shining -- it had not rained!!! No one sat beside me and my puddle!
2. While I taught in front of a classroom one day, I kept being interrupted by this one student. After about the 4th time, I exasperatingly said, "WHAT IS IT?" She said (smuggly), "Your zipper is down."
What a great news, an Etsy shop, congrats! You're so talented Jane!
Thank you for your consideration Jane!
You also have a great blog! ;)
As a child I lived on Emerald St., corner at Chestnut. I've seen it now on Google, down to a satellite photo of the house we lived in. I hate to think what that row house looks like after 60 years of being lived in - and it wasn't new when we lived there.
Most embarrassing moment: In Philly I once left for grade school without wearing underpants. Thankfully, I went home for lunch.
Too funny...Q also has this one-sock habit. Also sometimes just one shoe. Also sometimes just one shoe with no clothing EXCEPT for that one shoe. It's a unique sort of look. ONly she could pull it off ;)
YAY Etsy shop! I am all about Etsy.
You are a good and funny storyteller. I love your pictures and watch them on Etsy.
Lots of love
Sweet picture and I appreciate the endearing story (all day, really?)
I liked your photographs from Bilbao and look forward to checking out etsy.
I loved your story, I am from Massachusetts, once long ago in a night club in Boston where they had black lighting, I realized my bra was absolutely glowing from under my shirt, I went home and changed because everyone was staring!
Your blog is terrific and makes me miss my home in El puerto de santa maria!
Congratulations on pinestreetphoto - I'm excited for you.
I know you'll do well.
I love this story! So sweet.. I went to your shop.. all the photos are gorgeous!!!
Happy Valentine's day!
Lovely shop!
LOL! do think thats what happens to my husbands socks, too? we have an array of odd socks round here!
beautiful photos!
congratulations on the new shop! :) lovely photos and like the name too
Congratulations on the new Etsy site!!!!! I wish you great success.
Funny story! Such is life.
Your photos are amazing. Buona fortuna o tiene suerte
Congratulations Jane. I am excited for you because I believe it will be a hit.
Ah, well todays embarrassing moment happened in front of new boyfriend... cleaning the pub we were looking after I sprayed the stainless steel cleaner, only to realise a second later it was facing the wrong way and I sprayed it in my face.
Le Sigh!
I love your etsy shop. My husband works two blocks from Pine Street!
i know pine street! i grew up in princeton, nj, and for whatever reason my sisters and i were obsessed with the names of plants and animals growing up. so we were always really excited to go to philly and shout out the names of the streets as we drove by the signs- walnut street! spruce street! cedar ave! (i always wondered where vine street fit in...)
adorable blog. LOVE the vignettes of life in spain. cheers.
hi jane!! your shop looks diving i love the bike shot. and your sons sounds like such a cutie. :)
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