I´m going on a little blog break. I´m off to Mexico for a few weeks (need to practice my Spanish ;)) and then have a few smaller trips planned. So brace yourself for all the travel photos!
Joyce will be hosting CV while I´m gone. Thanks again darlin!
The winners, which were chosen by my high tech selector (ie. Daniel picking random numbers... Coco couldn´t be bothered) from the CV giveaway are l´atelier, skylar, and juanita. You have your choice of any of my prints in either 5x7 (for hanging in a closet) or 8x12 (for hanging in the garage). Please email me with your address and I´ll get them to you within the month.
Happy days to you! Oh... and try not to do anything too exciting while I´m gone. I don´t want to miss anything!
¡Dos besos muy gordos!
have a good 'un and no coming back saying "orale, qué onda guey!" to people in vitoria, okay? ;P
I'm on my wey to drink it with you !
Have wonderful adventures! Enjoy!!
and come back...
Have a great time in Mexico, Jane and post from there too!!!.
Is this the Cafe Iruña in Bilbao?
buenos viaje Jane!
Come back with lots of photos and tell us about your adventures
Have a great time. Enjoy a lot.
And full of new photos.
have a great time!
[am packing your little present but wont have to hurry now do i...]
and we want ofcourse see the most wonderful pictures when you're back!
Happy holiday and enjoy.
Have fun on your travels! I really like the decor in that coffee shop.
Can you fly from Spain? There are no flights out of Amsterdam due to the Icelandic volcano! Hope you get them and have a wonderful time. Look forward to hearing and seeing all about it.
have a great trip! :)
Thank you for calling me on my birthday Jane. such a nice surprise. I wish you well on your trip and come back home safely. we still have to walk and talk for a bit.
Safe, wonderful trip. Miss you.
Wait a minute out to lunch and now coffee break?! I need to do move to Spain! Have a wonderful time my friend. EEKS I hope I don't disappointed you. Safe travels. xo
hope you'll have fantastic time here!!!
I've wainting to see the photos of your trip :)
You're funny.Don't you live in Spain and speak Spanish? Have a super time away. I'll try to play this week...
Enjoy your trip to Mexico! And thanks to add me in de CV list!
bon voyage!
have fun, I'm going on a little trip too, N-Y!!!
I wish there was a more exotic place for me to improve my German. ;-))))
Enjoy your trip and make lots of gorgeous pictures for us to enjoy.
Big hug, Jeannette
You make me laugh! Have a great time in Mexico!
You're not grounded because of the volcano?
Safe travels and have fun.
If you make a sharp right and head north a few hundred miles, you will be at my place... so do come by for that coffee :^)
Have a great trip and see you on your return - you will be missed!
Have wonderful holidays, Jane! Beautiful pics. I wanna go to Spain and I will... I'm coming in July!
Happy days in Mexico (WOW!)
Gonna miss you but looking forward to all the goodies overhere.
Have Fun!
Oh enjoy Mexico!! It sounds fabulous! I am off to the wilds of the Orkney Islands off the north coast of Scotland......it'll be a little chillier than Mexico.
Looking forward to seeing your photos!
oh! do enjoy your trip jane!
and please, take thousands of photos!! :)
Have a wonderful trip!!!! Enjoy!!!!
Have a wonderful trip! I am looking forward to seeing all of the beautiful photos you take!
Have a wonderful time on all of your trips!
Have a great trip! I love all the details in the furniture at your little cafe.
I'm so happy for you Jane! Enjoy your vacation and trip to Mexico for me too (I was once very close to crossing the border from South America but didn't:(..).
mexico????? oh you are a very lucky woman!
we'll all miss you here. xoxo
have a wonderful time and just in time as spain has offered to be the hub for people stranded by the volcano in iceland. who knew there were volcanos in iceland?
have a wonderful time. tus fotos son muy hermosas! hope that's right ;). xo, c
i know that bar...some gals have all the fun!
Have a wonderful, wonderful time Jane!
Travel safely!! Have a nice break, Jane!
Oh, great news, enjoy your travel in Mexico! And I'm sure we'll be all here waiting for you;) Beijinhos!
wishing you a very good trip. enjoy the time off. can't wait to see the photos!!!!
Jane Gracias. Grazie. Thanks!!!! I won one of your pictures! I choose the second of your last post: the one with the cups of coffee, I am a coffee adict! And I would not hung in the garage (I don't have one!)lol; neither in the closet (there is no room!), but in my kitchen, where I spent most of the time!
¡Buen viaje!
I had a chance to visit several posts on your blog and love it! What fabulous pictures!!!
Have a great time in Mexico, it is so fun! I love it! I am going to follow you if possible and thanks for commenting on my blog.
I love the photographs. Bravissimo
Mexico for a few weeks? What the heck? How did you swing that one? Lucky you! Have a blast - you deserve it!!!
have fun!
and yeay! i won, so excited,will email you my ad right now :):):)
Have a great trip.
Looking forward to your post and pictures after.
Oh! I am soooo envious! I loved Mexico so much! Can't wait to see all your lovely photos! Besos
Have a wonderful break -- we'll miss you and look forward to all the pics when you're back!
Weeeeee!! Adios, mi amiga.
Looking forward to your vacation picures.
Congratulations to the winners, especially Skylar, my sister!
Have a lovely trip, we will miss you!
Travel safe!
X O Guusje
The tile work in that cafe is amazing!
Have fun in Mexico! Can't wait to see the photos.
Have a great break! Enjoy the coffee and the colors of Mexico, and can't wait to hear all about it...
xo Joanne
lovely cafe...
Jane, these images are beautiful. I feel that you perhaps because you are not native (spanish) see your suroundings like I do (only half-spanish) when I go to Spain for vacation.
My spanish friends think I'm a bit nuts when I take photos like this.
I love these.
Have a fun break/trip!! Don't forget the camera!!
xo, Pascale
have a nice break and a good trip
Happy Travels!
Have fun. I will keep my life very boring til you return. But something exciting happened today Janie! Oh boy. Ok, I will wait to tell you all. Happy trails. :)
This looks like a great place to have a cup of cofee.
first time here, and i wish you a fabulous trip!
um, word verification is GYNO?!?! hahahha
Lucky you! Have a great vacation. Safe travels. I'll be watching for the photos.
Have a good trip...
we stay here...waiting your wonderful pictures
and if you stop by SF ( not so far from MExico!!!) please let me know;-)
Emma from San Francisco
Haven't been to Mexico in so long! Though most of my trips there were heading across the border in college before turning 21. Does that count?
Can't wait to see your pictures! Travel safe!
How fun! Enjoy Mexico! The weather is ideal there now...!!
Have a happy sunny break, Jane.
I hope your trip goes wonderfully! Mexico must be so beautiful :)
I really loved your shots and your great ideas about things like corner view and explaining thing about Spain the way you do.
I always say it but let me do it once more: I love your blog!
Oh, I can't get enough of your pictures! They're amazing!
congrats to the winner! wish you a nice holiday...
I hope you are having a fab time :0)
Bon voyage!!!!
hi jane, great shots as always, hope all is well, i've been MIA from everything lately, but hope to jump back in soon :)
what fun, a vacation...love the new scenery
hermoso blog!
un abrazo desde México!
ya soy fan!!
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