Here are a few shots from Valladolid, a beautiful colonial town full of color, the friendliest locals, 30C degree heat! (I told Jorge that if we lived there, I´d walk around naked...), and the best chocolate and macadamia cake I´ve ever had... Seriously... I´ll never look at chocolate cake in the same way again...
Thank you for all your warm wishes! I have a million photos... so brace yourselves!
I only have a few days until I´m off again. I´ll try to visit, but won´t have much time. Sending you all a big hug hello!
P.S. A Mexican told me that I spoke with a Spanish accent. I almost kissed him right there and then:)
Oh my! The images brought me back 27 years ago when I was studying in Guanajuato, Mexico (also a colonial town) and took a weeklong trip to Oaxaca and Merida.
LOVE your images!
(Ironically, I had a similar experience to yours when I was studying in Spain once summer. A Spaniard came up to me and told me I had a Mexican accent.)
Love your site!
(The Irish American teacher of Spanish and Mother of a Chinese daughter. Now, how's THAT for multiculturalism??) :)
what a beautiful photos, a little familiar to me :) and you sound like you are having great time there! do you try the "cochinita pibil"? and about walk around naked, well i think the hight hot weather there is the reason the local people makes beautiful and big hammocks... to spend the hot days in them!!
I hope hear more of you soon!!
and did jorge immediadly want to stay to live in mexico now that you told him that? ;)
VERY nice pic's. good to see you are having a good time!
What beautiful pictures. So very . . . Mexico.
Enjoy the rest of your adventure.
Enjoyed these pictures. I haven't been to Valladolid but I certainly have gotten to Mexico many more times than to Spain, usually to the coastal cities, though, my favorite of which is Puerto Vallarta.
I love these pictures, enjoy your 30 degrees!!!
that town is a beauty!!! want to live there and taste the sweets you told us about ;-) so beautiful photos...
have a nice weekend! yours dani
welcome home! sounds like you had a great time! looking forward to everything you have to show us!
Enjoy...and thanks for sharing
Congrats for the accent I see exactly how you feel ;-))
Emma from San francisco
Wow that place is a beauty. And you are making me very hungry for that cake. Can't wait to see more!
Big French Hug to the Mexican Jane ;)
Great shots !
hola chica! your photos are incredible. i love the fiesta of colors. welcome home and safe travels! xo, c
I love the colors in these pictures :-)
Hooray, you are (kind of) back! Those photos are so colorful and inviting - looks like you had a wonderful time. Oh and Ms. Jane, I am so impressed by the "accent" comment - :^)
Can't wait to see the rest of the photos. Have a great trip wherever you are going this time.
Beautiful pictures!
Wonderful lights and colors!
Thanks for sharing and enjoy it!
looks and sounds wonderful! beautiful photos. can't wait to see more:)
wow! that does look like a great place. enjoy and remember to take photos (as if you'd forget :)
Oh,lovely pictures...
Have a nice trip, enjoy yourself and come back soon with lots of pics for sharing xxxx
The Spanish accent thing is funny! Good for you.
Translate 30°C into Fahrenheit. I assume it's warm or you like to walk around naked in the cold! :)
BTW -- it was 88° here yesterday and supposed to be 90 with high humidity today. Talk about walking around naked!
Glad you made so much photo's Jane. they are wonderful. nice to see Mexico through your lens.
What did Jorge say in reply by the way?? :)
Can immagine you wanted to kiss the guy. it happened to me too when this friend from Spain called me and said I talked with an english accent..
You went all the way to Mexico to have a haircut:)? Love your photos, can't wait to see more, and I'm eager to know where you're off to next. Enjoy!
I just love your photos...particularly the one with the azulejos ..maybe because I am really missing Portugal right now...
this place looks great ... enjoy your trip (and more chocolate cake ??)
Lovely pictures! All so colorful! Definitely looks like Mexico!
I love the colors! Enjoy your vacation and your spanish accent;) beijinhos!
Wie wundervoll! I love these mexican colours! Really inspiring! Wish I were in Mexico too, especially on such a rainy sunday like today ;-)
I am looking forward to share your journey by web.
Best Wishes from Germany
Woot Woot! for your acquired accent!
Beautiful! Can't wait for more shots! I lived in Cuernavaca for a while as a teenager and I still miss Mexico.
Jane, what gorgeous pictures!!!
I am envious of the colours and the sun you are enjoying, you lucky thing you - It is bleak, cold and rainy in Spain right now..... sigh
Enjoy the rest of the trip dear !!!
Look at those colors!
very nice pictures
have a great time
besos (with my best spanish accent;-)
great photo's. Looking forward to more.
Enjoy yourself.
Take care and have a great great time Jane !!!
David always lectures me on how 'Mexico brought chocolate to the world'. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear about your chocolate cake experience ;-)
Happy travels!!
the colours, the light
Of course I'm off to google this place,
cannot wait for more photos and details.
Looks like you are having a fantastic time in Mexico.
Totally jealous of anyone who can travel but I am glad you are enjoying yourself and sharing your images.
I am jealous!! Love your shots from Mexico, such color and character. have fun in Morocco!
Hi Jane!! I miss you!! I couldn't get past the chocolate cake, but where is the photo?! Have fun my friend. xo
Morocco?!! When did Morocco and Mexico become so close? Hmmm... don't forget to pick up some Morocco Oil for your hair!! I think I need to direct my love to live in Spain so I can travel. xo
We miss you!
i love valladolid! i went there in high school on a trip with my mom. we stayed in a lovely colonial mansion with empty bird cages everywhere with little signs that read, "los pajaros estan en su lugar." flying free, not in a cage. i loved the town and the lovely courting benches that were all over the plazas. delightful!
i am so enjoying your trip! When my husband and I traveled in Spain a few years ago (12!) we went on a search for a family that adopted my mom for the summer when she was seventeen. They were in Valladolid! We found the apartment but the family had moved (or no one could understand what I was saying in my horrible spanish). anyway, fun to come along to this valladolid too!
Hey chica¡ Enjoy your grand tour! I am jealous...
besotes al chili
Hola senorita. Gracias. Adios. Andele, andele, ariba, ariba. Morocco huh. Cuidado con el perro. Amigo.
beautiful pictures, really In the moment.
Such wonderful color and life.
Welcome back, and happy travels to Morocco!!!xo
Looking through all your pictures is beautiful Jane! Glad you shared them with us love the Tequileria need that haha.
Wow I was there in the evening... my pictures were dark and stormy. These are fantastic. Love the old leather chair!
Its like the old days, looking at holiday photos ...like it!
beautiful pictures, I especially love the second one. gorgeous.
These really make me miss Mexico. I lived in Chiapas for a couple of years but haven't been back since. Thanks for bringing back wonderful memories with your photos.
such fun things to photograph there
i have totally wanderlust at the moment and am so enjoying going at least on a visual trip with you... thanks for sharing, hope you having the best time xo
wow, beautiful photos:)
bon voyage and hugs!
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