And that´s how I thought up Corner View. I wanted to hear your stories. Who knew it would become the catalyst to connecting to so many wonderful people, from Oman to Kansas, to so many places in between.
Thank you for showing up each week and sharing your kind words, your nutty comments, and... your stories.
I´ll be following Pien´s lead (All of you who know her, will not surprised by her generous spirit.), and will also be having a giveaway of a few of my prints to say thank you!... I love you guys!
Next week´s theme comes from our golden friend Joyce and is "Earth Day."
I couldn´t decide on a favorite, so I´m going with my first CV post, which you can find here.
¡Dos besos muy gordos!
Congratulations, Jane! You've begun a wonderful thing. I am having so much fun checking in here every Wednesday to see all these new friends from around the world. Also, I've spent the better part of an hour checking out your past corner views, and they are really something. Thanks for this opportunity. Love and hugs to you!
Congratulations Jane. You did come up with a fabulous idea and it is lots of fun to go and see what the other participants of corner view have come up with for each theme.
Congratulations to you and all fellow CV-ers. It is a remarkable idea that you had!
Congratulations dear Jane in Spain. It is wonderful idea which I hope one day to be organised enough to participate in . For now I just love visiting and looking at your incredibly beautiful photos. xoxox Jane from Melbourne.
Jane, I join CV late in 2009 so I "cheated" a bit, but I got a gift for you anyway;) Happy Blog's day!
I love to take part every weeks. I have met so many wonderful people in my way here. Thanks for all.
Dos besos
You just had a great idea with corner views!!!
I am enjoying this very much.
Cheers to another year of CV around the globe:)
Congratulations Jane. I love your concept and it is so much fun to get to know people all over the world through the bits and pieces they share by {corner view}
I have been bad at following through these last weeks but will get my act together very soon :-)
Do you remember the name of the TV program?
it is such a happy day!
have a big smile!
One year, hurray!!!!!
bravo, it's a good concept to discover some places and people.
joyeux anniversaire corner view !
i joined only this year because i didn't know about it last year & i agree this is a wonderful idea :)
The corner view is the most beautiful place to share pictures and words. Your idea, and Ian's (?) for the theme is just fantastic.
I chose the evening theme.
Take care & keep going!
Happy B. Every wenesday, day after day, It's a pleasure to following you. Thank you Jane !
yeah!!!! cake and wine CHEERS jane!
happy Birthday CV! xx
It's interesting how you thought up Corner View. Glad you had that idea, it's great fun for me! And it's quite impossible to choose a favorite one, for me too ;-)
Thank you Jane! There always is a story!
I love being a part of this and how many of the people have started to have real personalities...
congratulations, you incrediblefunnybeautiful lady of the year!
cheers! kippis!
Happy Birthday Jane! Great idea and I'm so pleased I joined in. Here's to the future!
I did have a good year....!!
If you're giving away this one, I want it! It is beyond beautiful. The problem with you is, once you decide to do that book, it will have to be thousands of pages long, because there is no way you can eliminate evenone of your photos! (And i'm kidding about the giveaway. I am lucky enough to have the blue door shot, which I cherish, so now it's someone else's turn. Love ya!!! And thanks, Jane!
should have proofread! but you get it...
Thanks for starting it all. I have had so much fun. I remember that segment on the news. I was always surprised by the stories they found.
Hey - another psychic = kindred spirits fact = you had the same number of followers on day one of CV as I have now - 29!!! hilarious!
What a lovely image! Congrats on starting this wonderful view of the world. I'm so happy to be a small part of it now. Your kindness is much appreciated Jane.
Congrats, Jane! What a wonderful thing you started here!!!
I can't believe it's been a year! That's amazing! And look at all the participants! I like how you linked back to the first corner view and repeated that theme. I'm so honored to be a part of this! :)
Congrats&thanks Jane! Champagne-tsjing-tsjing!
Yea, happy anniversay to a fun idea! Laura in Ludwigsburg, Germany
hi jane, a big, big thank you for initiating corner view and congrats on the first anniversary!
here's to many more corner views!
bravo, a fabulous corner view, and the best thing is that I travel from my computer, I hope that we can enjoy more corner view !!!
Happy Anniversary!! Congrats on one year.
The year really flew by! It's been so much fun reading Corner View posts each week. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful project!
happy anniversary!
i love the corner view exactly because we get a glimps into each cornern of the world in that exact moment!
wonderful idea, am so greatful to be able to take part of it, it is so very inspiring.
to many more corner view xo!
Jane, you are great! Thanks!
12 besotes!
Congratulations Jane and fellow Corner View's contributors.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!
i love your corner view - it was a really fantastic IDEA!
thank you, that i am part of it!
happy anniversary! what a wonderful idea you had. In the short time I've been participating, I have adored my trips around the world, seeing everybody's "views". It has made the world a much smaller place. Recently life has taken over and I miss a CV or two...I'll be back on it this week! :)
Thank you, Jane! It's been so much fun to participate, and to emeet incredible people though CV. Here's to another year!
loving the cherry blossom and other flower shots - such tender colors!
the corner view is a great idea - i look forward to many more!
When I was young I always wanted a pen pal from far away. Corner View is like having pen pals all over the world - and a second childhood!
Grande Besos, baci, bises, kisses... thank you for the gift you have given us through Corner View, xo!
It has been great fun. I'm glad I found you--although I don't remember how I did. Thanks for being such a gracious host for a year!
beautiful post and sentiments.
Happy One year to Corner View!
I remember as a child I loved the "Its a Small World" attraction and something about CV has that childlike wonder of getting to know friends all over the world, like Janis says, 'pen-pals'. Many thanks,
PS sorry I'm late to post this week, too tired tonite, oyasuminasai(buenas noches));))
I love Corner View, even though I can't make it every week!
I missed your first post, so I'm happy to discover this beautiful photo, that could be our international symbol to celebrate the CV, your wonderful and rich idea !
Thanks to you Jane ! et longue vie au corner view !
Oh my sweet Jane-Happy Anniversary! Sorry I have no diamonds, flowers, champagne or chocolates, only a special place my heart just for you. Thank you doesn't seem enough for how you brought so many of us together and for sharing your beautiful country. I have developed a true love (sorry Gary) and desire to visit Spain someday. xo
congratulations, Jane! I really think that this is a great project! Sorry for the delay but I will definitely do this week! xo
Believe me it's been my pleasure!
happy birthday!
Yay for a whole year of Views, such a beautiful community you have created Jane... Love it!
woo hoo, jane! congrats on being so amazing! xoxo
Love it! Will be back in the swing once finals are over and life simmers down a bit :) Happy anniversary!
Congratulations Jane. It's hard to believe that it's been a year. A truly wonderful thing you started. I always look forward to travelling through the CV post and seeing all the different interpretations.
Thanks again Jane.
p.s. I've also decided to follow you and Pien's lead. I have some Thai souveniers to giveaway. It should be fun!!
Nice background story. Thank you Jane and congratulations!
Congratulations for this wonderful idea!! it's a great travel we enjoy every week!!Besos!!
Happy Anniversary to all of us. And I huge thank-you to you...These views make me feel connected and hopeful...
Cheers to the year of views ahead of US!
hieperdepiephoera for the first year CV!
and a big, big thank you!
It makes me so happy each wednesday, our trip around the world, it gives me hope for the future world )or how do you say that ..)
Thank you all!
Happy one year...what a fantastic thing you started!
thanks for all the beautiful corner views in the blogosphere.
Felicidades Jane!!! i love your amazing corner view idea and i'm enjoyin be part of it!! also it was very fun see all your old post to see the old corner view themes!
Dear Jane,thank you so much for CV. You don't know it but when we were still living in Genoa, this project helped me a lot on my lowest moments. It made me focused on beautiful and interesting things around and always kept me creative. I've missed some corners but I do hope i am able to participate in the future. It's been so much fun and I've found so many beautiful blogs and met great people who become friends (including you :) )
Have a happy days,
Congrats! What a great idea and so fun to follow.
Happy Anniversary! I don't know when I stumbled upon your blog but it has given me so much joy! Thank you for sharing your daily life with us. (Do I sound corny or what?!?)
So, does the taberna by your house have good tapas?
Besos guapa XXX
Happy Anniversary Jane!!
I like to read your posts and I love your photos.
thank you for this incredible way of meeting other corners of the world. Thank you for being there, thank you for being you.
Congratulations Jane! and thank you for this great idea and weekly meeting! Happy Anniversary!!
Isn't is a great cv celebration today :)?
That sounds like a great tv program! I love how there is a story behing every person, every door and how distance is not an issue anymore. Already looking forward for the stories to come.
Hugs! Anna
It's a great idea ideed putting together so many different blogs by sharing ideas on a picture
nice to meet you, jane :-)
I love CV - I love hearing about how you came up with the idea too! It's been fun - and I look forward to more :)
congrats! and thank you Jane for the wonderful idea! I have enjoyed corner views so much:) even though lately I haven't had so much time to participate..
congratulations on starting this wonderful project. I've fallen behind on Corner View and am dying to restart.
Congratulations Jane
you made it..magic and fun, curious, and world famous, like if this corner is just around...our window
Emma from San Francisco
congratulations, that´s a great idea!
one day i will post a corner view by myself.
Dearest Jane, I'm in Sevilla, so I can't play these days.. but happy anniversary. Your sweet silliness is a daily gift. Thanks for making us a wonderful bunch of creatives.
Happy anniversary Jane!!! I am always looking forward to your corner views, they are fantastic.
Thank you for such a clever idea !!
Cheers, Rocío
Congrats Jane, this have been an amazing year with you! Thank you again...
I was so inspired by all the anniversary corner views that I added one late last night! Thank you, Jane, as always -- for your initiative and your inspiration!
ea ea ea! :)
I'm so bloody late for your partee, man. have a wonderful cornerviewersary and cheers for getting us all ladeez (and ian) together. thinking of which, a few more lads in the mix would be quite healthy, right? there, your next challenge (hee hee, just kidding.)
felicidades reina ;)
So sorry Jane i missed this one, but no more internet connexion for 3 days, so i catch up and it is nice!
happy birthday and happy you dear jane
un beso
awesome, jane. you really are cool.
Are those cherry blossoms?? Such a nice photo. :>) Again and again, thank you for proposing Corner View - it has become quite an experience! I'm glad it continues.
Cheers & have a great weekend.
lovely! so generous of you this corner view. thank you! i have been away a little but i should be back next week. buen fin de semana!
happy anniversary! i've enjoyed seeing your corner view!
Congrats!!! One year Corner Vieuw!
I tought it will be nice to join you all. So next week i will show you my Corner Vieuw...
Cheers...to another creative year!
Greetz, Barbara
Congratulations, Jane. Your blog brings me great happiness b/c it brings back such fond memories of my childhood summers spent in my mother's hometown--San Lorenzo del Escorial. The rest of the year we lived in the states and how I looked forward to the summers that I was able to visit my family. So many years have passed since my last visit and enjoying your blog makes me feel like I'm back in Spain which is always in my heart. Muchas gracias.
Way to go Jane! Corner View is one of my all time favorite blog features. A million thanks for keeping it going.
you have started a revolution! look how many people you've pulled together from so many places and perspectives of life, and best of all, we get to enjoy your witty commentary and spectacular photographs almost every day. VIVA CORNER VIEW!
hello there, just discovered your blog today.
Happy Anniversary.
Yess, please add me to the CV list.
Thank you!
See you, Barbara
Jane!!! Congratulations my dear. XXX
Thanks for all Jane !!! all the virtual meetings, the new people, friends all over the word... Congratulations for all the CV. Je t'embrasse !!!
PS : yes, I was just near from you this week !!!
I am little bit late ... but My Earth day is here !
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