Love daily, hug daily, laugh daily, learn daily, question daily, do one fun thing daily, read daily, create daily, connect daily...
"It's hard convincing yourself that where you are at the moment is your home, and it's not always where your heart is. Sometimes I win and sometimes not." -- Jonathan Carroll
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Jorge´s grandmother, Amachi, lived to be 104 years old. When she hit 100 I asked her what was the secret to a long life. She told me that th...
That, my friends, is my front door... and that is me, wearing one of Elis´s original designs. I had to add a little funkiness to my very dr...
First coffee. And chocolate and milk on not revolutionary, I think it is called Vienesse coffee. And I like it too.
Enjoy at Madrid.
tea for me please ;-)
If I had the time, my cv would be like your's...
enjoy Madrid
I drink soy milk daily too. I haven't tried it in coffee yet though. Now, I will.
Yes... first coffee to be ready to laugh, learn... live...
Have a beautiful and extraordinary day.
Black coffee, like the song;) Happy journey in Madrid!
I don't like coffee at all, but if I would, I would drink french café au lait or italian latte macchiato...both look so delicious!
But now I'll have a cup of blood orange tea instead ;o)
well, yes, i dig the daily coffee, of course.... :)
I would love to have coffee with you Jane!
I used to drink vanilla soy milk with my turkish coffee. plus cinnammon, I need my canela!
Have fun in Madrid. I love all your daily ideas. I will be back to take note, we are now on our way to our mini road trip to Pula.
I use soy creamer-I like it a lot! 1/2 and 1/2 is such a treat and I bet chocolate soy milk would be yummy! Love your view- for some reason - Tuesdays are my busy day and forget about the VIEW! I need to remedy this! Have a great trip!
and off you go again..!
no coffee for me, i really did try but i just don't like it ;-) Have a great time in Madrid!
Love the photo!
Ok Jane !!! Have a nice time in Madrid !!! Bises
Daily on Bloomsday! Seems fitting. Coffee for me too- although I do love the alliteration and intimacy of tea for two!
I'll remember to do the daily's. I'll join you for coffee. I'm off to do my "Daily".
You enjoy Madrid :)
I love your list of "daily"s. So good!
But since I'm not a coffee drinker at all, I'll leave your question untouched, and let the coffee connoisseurs handle that one.
I loved the theme of daily, and look forward to seeing what everyone chooses for 'noticing.' This is always a fun meme; such variety!
tea for me too with lollipop;)
enjoy your time off!
Great daily advice. Not sure about the coffee with choc soy milk hmmm. Have fun in Madrid.
Sounds like wonderful advice minus the soy milk. I just can't develope a taste for that stuff. Have a great day!
Funny I recently have discovered plain soy milk in coffee too---a lot of soy milk in a little coffee is excellent too 'iced'...but haven't tried chocolate. Sounds great! Happy travels.
i DID it *yeah*
like your cv - mine is similar... the pic of your coffee is fantastic. i am thirsty now.
the chocolate milk is genious
funny how my "daily" post has something to do with food too. ha.
my daily ritual is tea .... and yuck to soy milk :(
Enjoy Madrid you lucky, lucky thing. besos.
Coffee is my daily ritual. And however you like it is how it should be (:
ohhh yes! coffee first por favor...!!
enjoy Madrid!!!
Coffee, just cream, please.
have a nice trip!
Hi Jane, enjoy your trip in Madrid!
love your daily list!
have you tried the coffee with soy milk. i always wonder but i'm afraid to ruin, if only one, a good cup of coffee.
I will second all those daily things, but the chocolate soy milk is still up in the air :^) Besos!
i'll take a cup of tea please. shall i join you?
chocolate soy milk...i grew up in berkeley, california, so no shocker to me.
coffee is a perfect daily!
I just love those corner views....(soy milk ????? am still supicious.....)
Coffee is the start to a good day with or without soy milk.
Tea for me and Chanel:
my day starts with coffee, followed by another coffee :)
Soy milk...I used to use it but I hate how it curdled. Now it's black. Everyday. Many times a day!
Happy C.V!
hmm. have you tried chocolate almond milk?
have a great time in madrid, jane. i know that we will have the benefit of that trip with the goodies here to come.
i like my coffee when it tastes like sugar and cream, so i'm sure i'd like some choc soy milk in it. enjoy!
hahaha!! i first started drinking coffee in spain and got used to it by spiking it with cola cao. everyone thought i was nuts!
no coffee for me, not even with chocolatesoymilk ;-)
Happy Madrid!!
Dare I speak the truth? No coffee at all!
loving your list of things to do daily. so true...
LOVE that list. But it's English Breakfast tea with milk and honey for me!
Love your daily list Jane. I start with a strong cup of Yorkshire tea, followed fairly closely by coffee.
Anything with chocolate is good! (This from a woman who eats Nutella right from the jar.)
Coffee; yum.. All i can handle is a real dutch Koffie Verkeerd, which means something like Wrong Coffee... (Latte machiato!!!) Enjoy Madrid!
Funny coffee was top on my list too. However, I can't do the soymilk thing. I just saw they have oatmilk...hmmm? Have fun in Madrid
Yes, first coffee, but without soy chocolate milk, please :)
Have a nice time in Madrid.
did you say chocolate soy milk in your coffee? i think it sounds like quite a nice idea! not that i do much soy milk or coffee at all. the two sort of have contradictory effects on me. (am i making sense?)
but as for the rest of your dailies, jane. i think i need to make a poster of them (or better, you could, with one of your pics behind) and post them on my frig!
cheers to the dailies!
coffee definitely the a daily thing... not sure about chocolate soy milk in it though, but hey wouldnt mind to try it
coffee would have to be the integral part of my day too.
daily lively and the vanilla soy milk i never try according this post i might to try my frist vanilla soy milk daily : )thanks Q.
I've had soy milk (not chocolate, though) in coffee and don't love it. Chocolate might be good...
I hope Madrid is terrific!
Love your list, it would be great to hang it on the wall to remind yourself!
sorry I think anythink in my coffee is gross, like coffee the way it is :)
such a lovely daily list!
to be honest, no coffee for me. with or without chocolate soy milk. that sounds great though, but no matter how many times I taste different coffees, it disappoints me everytime that I don't like it at all.
oh, and have a great time in Madrid!:)
what do you think about the idea "myself" for a cv?
Yes yes, coffee must be first. I have had an espresso shot added to a hot chocolate...similar?
Take out the soy. Take out the milk. Take out the coffee. There you go. That's the way. Chocolate!
Oh nooooooo! Not soy milk in your coffee!!! Does not makes feel your tongue like a sandpaper? lol
I MUST have a black poisonous coffee to start the day!
So many time I see a cup of coffee that looks so beautiful and inviting.... and then I smell it and the moment is lost on me. I'm not a fan :-( I'm more of a tea girl.
You "daily" list is perfect!
ummm. . . that's deifinetly revolutionarily gross!
"Noticing" -- I'll have to think a bit for that one.
I like the consistency of soy creamer over soy milk if you can get it. Not so watery. Chocolate? It think it just makes everything better.
Have fun!
I can't without my daily coffee neither!
Definitely Revolutionary!
Enjoy Madrid, if you see a very, very large woman with a tremendous belly... that will be me! Besos
I dont like coffee so chocolate soy milk makes no difference to me :)
Hi Jane, gracias por visitar. A ver si me pongo las pilas ya de una vez!!
I have soy milk. on its own. I tried adding coffee or "colacao" and found it revolting.
Enjoy Madrid, the sun is out down there apparently - while we freeze our toes up here!!!
Your list is quite long, although all good daily things.
btw. I really enjoy have CV on my mind every week. It focusses attention.
And yes, coffee is a must have in the morning. (for me please with cold half fat cow milk)
just like lollipop tea for me too
but i take everything else
a french speaking daily cv at my place.
sorry, I run after time just like Alice in wonderland's rabbit
take care
ps: if you need a translation, tell me ;-)
Calling by from Italy via Chocolate Brick. Cathy is right you have some great photos here.
Hey girl, I am not ignoring your email, just on the road with limited computer access and time...will be in touch. besos T
I have never tried chocolate soy milk - will do now!!
and is it OK to do more than one fun thing daily? Pretty please...
you forget one ...the one for me
Jane's blog... Daily!
emma from San Francisco
yes, jane- first coffee, i agree- even though mine is more milk than coffee :)
REVOLUTIONARY! I put vanilla soymilk in my coffee EVERY morning, and I have often considered switching to the chocolate. I am just too darn satisfied with the vanilla.
I think you forgot "travel daily" ... you seem to do a lot of it lately:)!
I just can't believe how great your life is!
You're always travelling, taking amazing photos, having beautiful times with your family... It looks perfect!!
I hope your daughter Sara is now a little less stressed, I guess she would have had a hard year as regarding to studying and that stuff. Just send her good vibrations from me (of course there are some for you too)
Big besos gordos de fresa y merengue :)
coffee...and more coffee
kiss and coffee daily. and yes definitely with soy milk ;-)
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